



AGAPRO: End of GSI campaign

Added by Stezowski Olivier over 10 years ago

The First GSI campaign of AGATA has just finished. Congratulation to all the people involved in such a work !
In order to prepare the next phase at GANIL, the AGAPRO code has been tagged :


Developments relative to the AGAPRO package are now followed in this web site


IN2P3-Forge: Redmine 2.5.1 migration

Added by ROUET Jean-René over 10 years ago

Forge now uses Redmine 2.5.1.

We also updated all the plugins.

We also install new plugins.

We will soon publish an article on this upgrade and the new integrated features.

Stay tuned

CLASS: Version 3 available

Added by MOUGINOT Baptiste over 10 years ago

Dear CLASS Users,

Your servants (B&B) are please to inform you that the third version of CLASS is now available.

In addition of some bug corrections, you can find in this version :

- new C++ Object : CLASSObject and CLASSFacility : all CLASS class inherit of CLASS Object, and all facilities of CLASSFacility,

- new class : ZAIMass, the goal of this class is to store the mass of each nuclei - actually only some Actinides... but should be increased soon,

- rewriting the reprocessed fuel evolution calculation method, for speed optimization and :
- inclusion of all nuclei in the evolution chart (using the CHART.jeff3T file (in the source/data directory))...
- New RK4 evolution method (),
- the old matrix evolution method is still available, but could be very long if the lifetime cut off is too small...
- both evolution method use 10 flux renormalization between 2 evolution steps,
- start to include fission yield for FP but still buggy.. correction coming soon (but don't worry this is not use by default)

- reactor renormalizes automatically the evolution data using the fuel mass,

- A new post-analysis Gui tool is available (need to be compiled and add to your $path)

Your servants

B&B (BLG & BaM)

CLASS: Source/Base Diffusion

Added by MOUGINOT Baptiste over 11 years ago

Dear Users,

You, now, need to create an account on the in2p3 Forge in order to download the source of CLASS and the associeted database.

Thank you.


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