


Version 3 available

Added by MOUGINOT Baptiste over 10 years ago

Dear CLASS Users,

Your servants (B&B) are please to inform you that the third version of CLASS is now available.

In addition of some bug corrections, you can find in this version :

- new C++ Object : CLASSObject and CLASSFacility : all CLASS class inherit of CLASS Object, and all facilities of CLASSFacility,

- new class : ZAIMass, the goal of this class is to store the mass of each nuclei - actually only some Actinides... but should be increased soon,

- rewriting the reprocessed fuel evolution calculation method, for speed optimization and :
- inclusion of all nuclei in the evolution chart (using the CHART.jeff3T file (in the source/data directory))...
- New RK4 evolution method (),
- the old matrix evolution method is still available, but could be very long if the lifetime cut off is too small...
- both evolution method use 10 flux renormalization between 2 evolution steps,
- start to include fission yield for FP but still buggy.. correction coming soon (but don't worry this is not use by default)

- reactor renormalizes automatically the evolution data using the fuel mass,

- A new post-analysis Gui tool is available (need to be compiled and add to your $path)

Your servants

B&B (BLG & BaM)
