

Stezowski Olivier

  • Login: stezow
  • Email:
  • What do you want to do ?: have your own project
  • The name of the project ?: Data Processing & Analysis
  • Comment:

    This is the place where are grouped different projects related to the AGATA Data Processing and Online/Offline Analysis

  • Registered on: 02/24/2014
  • Last connection: 06/24/2022


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 1 1
Reported issues 0 1 1


Project Roles Registered on
AGATA Reporter 02/24/2014
AGATA DAQ Programmer, Reporter 02/24/2014
Data Processing & Analysis Manager 02/24/2014
AGAPRO Manager 02/24/2014



04:47 PM Data Processing & Analysis Bug #9034 (Closed): ADF does not compile due to missing dependancies
Stezowski Olivier


04:21 PM AGAPRO AGAPRO compilation with c++11

The package has been modified to integrate the new c++11 standard since svn 1273.
Stezowski Olivier
03:53 PM Data Processing & Analysis Bug #9034 (Feedback): ADF does not compile due to missing dependancies
Stezowski Olivier


09:13 AM Data Processing & Analysis Bug #9034 (Closed): ADF does not compile due to missing dependancies

it concerns
ReadMezzAFP, XtermProgressBar.h and BashColor
Stezowski Olivier


10:21 AM AGAPRO End of GSI campaign

The First GSI campaign of AGATA has just finished. Congratulation to all the people involved in such a work !
In o...
Stezowski Olivier


04:19 PM Data Processing & Analysis Creation of a Project for AGATA Data Processing and Analysis
These pages regroup some projects related to software processing the AGATA Data Flow Online and/or Offline Stezowski Olivier

Also available in: Atom