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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned To Updated Category
659 ENX Feature New Normal Gestion des arbres DOM 01/16/2013 11:33 AM ENX Core Actions
656 ENX Feature New Low named register 01/30/2013 03:59 PM ENX Core Actions
631 ftsmonitor Feature New Low History of a DN access 10/22/2010 10:10 AM Actions
597 Oval Feature New Normal YAML comme langage de configuration ? 05/11/2010 01:36 PM Actions
520 TReqS Feature New Normal Communication entre Serveur et Client sans Base de données 03/24/2015 04:37 PM Actions
517 TReqS Feature New Normal Outils d'administation pour Treqs 03/24/2015 04:29 PM Actions
516 TReqS Feature New Normal Désactiver des queues 03/24/2015 04:24 PM Actions
500 TReqS Feature New Low Injecter les information d'opération vers COLLOS 03/24/2015 04:29 PM Actions
432 Smurf Bug New High creation de fichiers vides 04/23/2021 11:44 AM Actions
425 TReqS Feature New Low Durée de vie des métadata 03/24/2015 04:30 PM Actions
423 TReqS Feature New High Écrire une toolbox pour administration 03/24/2015 04:40 PM Actions
416 TReqS Feature In progress Normal État drainé pour TReqS 03/24/2015 04:04 PM Actions
388 TReqS Feature New High Possibilités d'interactions avec le serveur TReqS 03/24/2015 04:06 PM Actions
351 RlsngCons Bug New Urgent Refresh only on action 04/08/2016 04:07 PM Actions
202 Smurf Feature New Low Smurf::DB::Getopt add fping to smelect 10/21/2009 04:46 PM Actions
187 RlsngCons Feature New Low Abort limit/delete/ack 10/07/2009 01:08 PM Actions
186 RlsngCons Feature New Normal Flood limit 10/07/2009 01:07 PM Actions
174 Oval Feature New High oval run -o Chamont David 10/02/2009 02:47 PM Run command Actions
172 Oval Bug New Urgent Automatic variables Chamont David 10/02/2009 02:24 PM Run command Actions
113 ENX Bug Feedback High remove reference to T_Result constants Legay Eric 05/16/2011 01:26 PM Driver Generator Actions
93 RlsngCons Feature New Low Touche pour forcer le renouvellement de cache 03/31/2009 10:16 AM Actions
87 RlsngCons Feature New Low Limiter la taille du cache 03/30/2009 03:32 PM Actions
86 RlsngCons Feature New Low Tris dynamiques 03/30/2009 03:31 PM Actions
42 ENX Feature New Urgent Module ID Handler 06/05/2013 02:27 PM ENX Core Actions
37 Oval Feature New Low Automatically select the shell flavor Chamont David 02/16/2009 07:44 PM Implementation Actions
(1201-1225/1239) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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