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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned To Updated Category
36 Oval Feature New Low Extend tasks with begin/end directory commands Chamont David 02/16/2009 07:42 PM Other Actions
35 Oval Feature New Normal Give less importance to the build step Chamont David 02/16/2009 07:41 PM Documentation Actions
34 Oval Feature New Normal Extend input/output control Chamont David 02/16/2009 07:27 PM Implementation Actions
33 Oval Feature New Normal Support for gzipped ref files Chamont David 02/16/2009 07:23 PM Diff command Actions
32 Oval Bug New Normal Write a more detailed configuration doc Chamont David 02/16/2009 07:18 PM Documentation Actions
31 Oval Feature New Normal Apply a command to a subdirectory subset ? Chamont David 02/16/2009 07:14 PM Run command Actions
30 Oval Feature New High Use environments as targets to the step commands Chamont David 02/16/2009 07:12 PM Run command Actions
29 Oval Feature New Low The build tool should handle directories ? Chamont David 02/16/2009 07:06 PM Other Actions
28 Oval Bug New Low "oval validate" should remove differences in "oval log" Chamont David 12/08/2010 09:47 PM Other Actions
27 Oval Bug New Low Some commands should not require a current valid directory Chamont David 02/16/2009 06:51 PM Site Customization & Flavors Actions
26 Oval Bug New Low Commands options not well propagated, when declared within an OvalFile Chamont David 02/16/2009 06:50 PM Implementation Actions
25 Oval Bug New Low Temporary files after a crash Chamont David 02/16/2009 06:46 PM Implementation Actions
22 Oval Bug New Low Deliver messages when ISA fails Chamont David 02/16/2009 06:22 PM Implementation Actions
21 Oval Bug New Normal What happens when a subdirectory is reused in several environments ? Chamont David 02/16/2009 07:00 PM OvalFile Actions
(1226-1239/1239) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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