


Creation of a Physics Model

Added by Alderete Tommasi Francisco Martin about 9 years ago

Hi, I'm Francisco Alderete, I'm currently doing an internship in the group of Reactor Physics of the LPSC Grenoble directed by Adrien Bidaud.

I intent to simulate a CANDU reactor in CLASS, and for that I needed to elaborate a file that could be used by the XS model "CLOSEST" (Which I have made with MURE and the "MURE to CLASS" tool).

Then I had to write an Equivalence model to "tell the fabrication plant how to build the fuel for the candu"

Being a begginer in this matter I basically copied the Equivalence model for the MOX reactor (EQM_PWR_LIN_MOX.hxx & EQM_PWR_LIN_MOX.cxx( that comes with the instalation package. I slightly changed the code in the part where the fFissileList and the fFertileList are created.

The problem is something must be wrong, because there is enough mass in the stocks to make the fuel, but the fabrication plant doesn't build it and therefore I get some years in which the reactor is not working.

CANDU_Urep.dat (661 KB) CANDU_Urep.dat The file that the XS model has to read
CANDU_Urep.idx (86 Bytes) CANDU_Urep.idx The index file that leads the XS model to the previous file
EQM_CANDU2.cxx (5.85 KB) EQM_CANDU2.cxx The equivalence model we made
EQM_CANDU2.hxx (1.92 KB) EQM_CANDU2.hxx The include file for the equivalence model
EQM_CANDU2.o (616 KB) EQM_CANDU2.o the .o file (we added the equivalence model to the CLASS library (2nd option in the CLASS manual))
ExampleParc_LIN_CANDU_SYM.cxx (10.6 KB) ExampleParc_LIN_CANDU_SYM.cxx The Simulated scenario file

Replies (3)

RE: Creation of a Physics Model - Added by Alderete Tommasi Francisco Martin about 9 years ago

Here's a screenshot I made where you can see how the reactor doesn't work some years, and the amount of U5 in the fuel is not the right one...

RE: Creation of a Physics Model - Added by LENIAU Baptiste about 9 years ago

Hi Francisco !

Since for your case you don't have a fissile storage and a fertile storage but just the reprocessed uranium, you don't have to overload the "GetFissileMolarFraction" but the
"BuildFuel" function (virtual function of EquivalenceModel). You have to make this function to return a vector of double of size "number of spent fuel IV + 1".
The value of each element is the proportion of IV i taken from storage
it should looks like that (if you have 4 IV for instance) :

1 //all IV 0 is taken
0.37 //37%(mass) of IV 4 is taken
0 //the last element is for fertile storage !! has you don't need it here : put 0.

Don't hesitate for more help (you can also call me )

See you.

RE: Creation of a Physics Model - Added by LENIAU Baptiste about 9 years ago

1 //all IV 0 is taken
0.37 //37%(mass) of IV 4 is taken
0 //the last element is for fertile storage !! has you don't need it here : put 0.

Thus you vector hase to satisfy

1*IV_1 + 1*IV_2 + 1*IV_3 + 0.37*IV_4 = HeavyMetalMass (of fresh fuel)
