Project host for all development done for AGATA.
Elog server for the collaboration can be found here
- AGATA DAQAbout all soft (excluding GEC and LSC) used in AGATA
- ASR tools
- Narval
Orsay Forward Tracking: algorithm to track the trajectories of photons in segmented Germanium detectors
- Data Processing & Analysis
Project pages for AGATA Data Processing & Online/Offline Analysis
This is the package in charge of processing the AGATA Data flow.
It contains the different actors running in NARVAL for Online or in Emulators for Offline.
- Electronic Control and Monitoring
Project dedicated to all development linked to AGATA electronic control.
This project will be used to share meetings document, task list, information about interface or to post any questions about some development.This could be the way to fill issue for end level user, when bug or features are not well identified....
- Topology Manager
TM is a module that centralizes the information about connections, technical information and status of devices. It allows to take a snapshot for a particular detector configuration, to hide the electronics to interlocutors, and simplifies to get the information for all processes which have been executed by the GEC (reset, setup,etc) over the AGATA detector electronics....
- AHM - Ansible Host Manager
AHM est une interface python 3 + QT destinée à gérer le fichier inventaire (host) de Ansible
Documentations for the ATLAS IJCLAB group
- Atrium - IPNO
Projet destiné à héberger un Forum des utilisateurs d'Atrium à l'IPNO
- C3F2
Système d'information pour les facteurs de forme électromagnétiques du nucléon.
Core Library for Advanced Scenario Simulation :¶
CLASS is a dynamical fuel cycle simulation tool. It allows to simulate the evolution of an entire nuclear reactor fleet and its associated facilities, such as spent fuel pool, fuel fabrication plant, chemical separation plant, disposal and so on. ...
Ce projet contient des cours, des exercices et des exemples de code relatifs à la programmation multitâche, embarquée, temps réel.
This project is a Course on Realtime, Embedded, Multitasking programming and includes Exercises and code Snippets. - PEM
PEM stands for Project Environment Marketplace
From an user point of view
this project should provide an easy way to download/install development environments
Frm an administrator point of view
this project should ease deployement/build of project DVCS or targz based... - DAQ4NP - Formation
This projects is the public part of DAQ4NP, mainly dedicated to formation.
- TSM - Documentation
Documentation utilisateur du service de sauvegarde du Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3.
- France-Grilles Documentation
Espace collaboratif de documentation pour l'utilisation de l'infrastructure et des services France Grilles destiné à ses utilisateurs.
Si vous êtes utilisateur, vous êtes invité à participer à cette documentation.
pour cela, inscrivez-vous sur ce site (indiquez le projet France Grilles) et demandez accès à cette documentation à - documents-publics
Documents publics France Grilles
Grid Engine Scientific Sites
- DCODDCOD stands for Distributed Caen-Orsay DAQ.
DCOD provides high level DAQ services:- Basic functionnalities
- Posix Memory Handler (PMH)
- Common Transport Layer (CTL)
- Logic Tier
Common Transport Layer
- Dcod Launcher
This sub project of DCOD should be used to launch any processes needed by Narval or ENX.
ENX has been developed as an interface to access and to control electronic device. It permits some basic function like : write, read and dump.
To be easily manageable and customizable, we define three parts in this application:
1. Core: It's the main program. It decodes the user command and gives the right order to the right drivers. We use Ada as programming language... - Narval
Narval est un environnement de travail pour écrire des systèmes
d'acquisition. Tous les processus de contrôle et de configuration d'une
acquisition de données sont disponibles. La manipulation des données est
prise en charge de manière automatique par un ensemble de classes dont... - PMH
POSIX Memory handler
- Basic functionnalities
- Ecole IN2P3 2013 Travaux Pratiques
Partie consultable pour la réalisation des TPs.
Pour l'organisation de l'école voir le projet père (accès restreint). - ftsmonitor
FTS Monitor is a web-based monitoring system for the gLite File Transfer Service (FTS). It requires PHP5 on a web server with (read only) access to the FTS database (Oracle currently supported)
- IGOSat
La mission d’astronomie de IGOsat présente deux objectifs scientifiques :
- mesurer le Contenu Electronique Total (TEC) de l’ionosphère par un récepteur GPS bi-fréquences
- mesurer le spectre des rayonnements gamma (de 20 keV à 2 MeV) et des électrons (de 1 Mev à 20 MeV) dans les cornets polaires et dans l’Anomalie de l’Atlantique Sud (SAA)....
- Informatique IN2P3
Traditionnellement, en raison des défis scientifiques et technologiques posés par les expériences de physique des particules, astroparticules et physique nucléaire, l'IN2P3 est porteur d’innovations majeures en informatique. ...
- LabInvent
Logiciel d'inventaire de matériels développé depuis 2012 et sans cesse amélioré (toujours activement maintenu en 2022), écrit en Php7/MySql (basé sur le framework OO CakePhp)
Appelé "InventIRAP" pour le laboratoire d'origine IRAP, il est désormais nommé plus génériquement "LabInvent"....
Python Robotic Observatory Software
Logiciel Python/Django de pilotage d'observatoires astronomiques robotiques
(dédié dans un premier temps au télescope TNC puis aux télescopes TAROT)
Extreme Universe Space Observatory telescope which should be installed on the ISS
- LC2
Logiciel de Contrôle Local du CROCUS for Muon Tracking Chambers
- Local Accounting
Outil Php/Mysql de local accounting permettant la visualisation de l'utilisation des ressources de calcul, par la création de graphiques se basant sur les logs du serveur Torque/Maui.
The goal of the MIDAS project is to provide high performance, middle-layer software tools, which would aid CMB data analysis efforts, for current and planned CMB experiments, to capitalize on the computational power of parallel (super)computers.
- mon-grid-fr
Le but de ce projet est de partager des scripts et sondes nagios dans le cadre du monitoring de l'infrastructure de grille.
Des administrateurs de sites IN2P3 et IRFU sont impliqués dans ce projet. - NPTool
NPTool is a framework based on Geant4 and ROOT for simulation and analysis of nuclear physics experiments.
The package now use its dedicated page: .
Please visit us for more information. - omega_public
Test for a public page
- Oval
Oval is a testing tool which help developers to detect unexpected changes in the behavior of their software. It is able to run a suite of executables, each one within a controlled environment (typically made of unix variables and config files), and it will scrutinize their output channel and compare it with a user-defined reference. Oval does not provide utility code to help writing the tests, therefore it is quite independant of the programming/scripting language of the software to be tested. It can be seen as a kind of robot which apply the tests and warn about any unexpected change in the output. Oval was initially developed by the LLR laboratory, primarily for the needs of the CMS experiment....
- Pipelet
Pipelet is a free framework allowing for creation, manipulation, execution and browsing of scientific data processing pipelines. It provides:
– easy chaining of interdependent elementary tasks,
– web access to data products,
– branch handling,
– automated distribution of computational tasks.... - PyWave
Bibliothèque Python pour les modules d'acquisition Wavecatcher
- RlsngCons
Client ncurses de monitoring RLSng.
Official web site:
SimGrid is a scientific instrument to study the behavior of large-scale distributed systems such as Grids, Clouds, HPC or P2P systems. It can be used to evaluate heuristics, prototype applications or even assess legacy MPI applications. All this as a free software....
- Smurf
The Smurf project aims to help sysadmins to manage a datacenter.
Smurf::DB is the database abstraction layer
Smurf::RRD handles time based metrics using rrdtool
Smurf::Client local probe (DEPRECATED)
Smurf::Server web application to read probe data
Smurf::Util contains some useful tools e.g. sming, smux, etc.... -
- TReqS-legacy
This project contains materials related the historical version of treqs.
The current development version of treqs is available here
TReqS is a Scheduler for file requests to an HPSS system.
It interacts between a client asking for HPSS files and an HPSS instance through the HPSS API....
- TS2020
Transient Sky for 2020+
Pôle Sciences Exactes et Technologie de l'Université Sorbonne Paris Cité.
R&D digitally compensated charge preamplifier
- ctools
Development of ctools Gamma-Ray Astronomy Science Analysis Software.
- KickSlot
Module de réservation d'événements haoraire (développé dans le cadre du site festival particules)
- Lavoisier
Lavoisier is an extensible service designed to provide an unified view of data collected from multiple heterogeneous data sources (e.g. database, Web Service, LDAP, text files, XML files...).
- operations-portal-users
Welcome to the EGI Operations Portal Tracker Tool¶
- The documentation page :
- If you want to register in this project or you wish to report an issue please :...
- Ganil2Root
Ganil2Root is a set of libraries used for converting GANIL raw data to ROOT files.
The Ganil2Root package can be used in two different modes: (i) the offline mode is used to convert raw data at the GANIL format to raw data at the ROOT format based on user specific classes (ii) the online mode is used event by event during an experiment and apply the physical treatment of each detector defined in NPTool (NPLib part)....
- GammaLib
Development of GammaLib toolbox for high-level analysis of astronomical gamma-ray data.

Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection
Welcome to the Forge pages of the GRAND experiment! Here you will find GRAND at work. ...
- Grand Data Management
Welcome to the Datamanagement group page
- Kilonova-catcher
Citizen science program of the GRANDMA project
- IN2P3 Spécialités (PECTIN)
Site pour le développement des contenus du référentiel des spécialités issu des prospectives techniques 2020-2021 de l'IN2P3
La copie maitresse des données du référentiel est sur (accès restreint), les pages wiki sont générées automatiquement à partir de cette source....
- IN2P3-Forge
Public project for the communication between administrators and users of
If you have any comment or question, create a new ticket.
- IP2I écoresponsable
Groupe de travail "IP2I écoresponsable"
Q & U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology
- Test Redmine
Ceci est un test afin d'apprendre à utiliser Redmine à partir de python
Also available in: Atom