




DCOD stands for Distributed Caen-Orsay DAQ.
DCOD provides high level DAQ services:

Launch your own DCOD

if you want to launch a dcod example (DCOD + Narval)

DCOD Internal Interfaces

These links present object template interfaces used to communicate in DCOD framework.

  1. DCOD Services
  2. DCOD Object
  3. DCOD Posix Memory Handler
  4. Diagrams


  1. Mercurial Configuration
  2. DCOD Download
  3. DCOD Ada Programming Style


Code documentation

All ada code should follow simple format to ease automatic documentation generation. The format is based on javadoc idea and use simple inside commentary blocks.

Package documentation

The first lines of each package should contain information about the functionnalitries in this package and could have the following tags :
  • @version Version_Number : version number of the package in the format Major.Minor.Modif_Number

Function documentation

The used tags are :
  • @param param_name : for each method / function / ....
  • @return : for function only
  • @exception Exception_Name : the exception thrown by the method / function

Example :

-- This function print an "Hello World" 
-- very nicely
-- @param Name : Name of the people to bounce
-- @return : returns value define if the display was graphical (0) or just textual (1)
-- @exception Unknown_People : Thrown if the name is not known in teh database
function Hello_World (Name : String) return Integer;