- Table of contents
- Launch DCOD example
Launch DCOD example¶
Get DCOD Using PEM¶
See PEM for an idea of to download an environment and download dcod environment.
Load your environment, with the command (example for environment 'dcod-stable'):
PromptTerm1> . /opt/pem/bin/pem-source -e dcod-stable -d /opt/pem
Check your OS¶
PromptTerm1> check_dcod_conf
Configuring your OS¶
Linux Utilities needed:
As root do a :
sysctl fs.mqueue.msg_max=256
and for old linux distro :
mkdir /dev/mqueue
mount -t mqueue none /dev/mqueue
To keep this value after a reboot add in /etc/sysctl.conf :
and in your /etc/rc.local :
mkdir /dev/mqueue
mount -t mqueue none /dev/mqueue
Configuring Environnment for DCOD + Narval¶
export PATH=$(HOME)/where-I-want-to-install-dcod/bin/:$PATH
export NARVAL_LIBS=$(HOME)/where-I-want-to-install-dcod/lib/
export NARVAL_SCRIPTS=$(HOME)/where-I-want-to-install-dcod/narval_scripts/
export NARVAL_CONFIG=$(HOME)/where-I-want-to-install-dcod/narval_config/
export POLYORB_CONF=$(HOME)/narval.conf
you need to configure Polyorb by creating $(HOME)/narval.conf file :
Prompt> generate_narval_conf
Prompt> cat ~/narval.conf
Running Narval "Data rate" example¶
Start dcod with a domain named "narval"
PromptTerm1> dcod_launch -p -n -c -m -d narval -l -v
If you want to add central_log :
PromptTerm1> dcod_launch -p -n -c -m -d narval -l -v -S "central_log --port server_port;--server server_ip;--name toto;--log_level debug"
PromptTerm1> dcod_launch -p -n -c -m -d narval -l -v -S "central_log --file_name File_Name;--max_size_file 16777216;--name toto;--log_level debug"
PromptTerm1> dcod_launch -p -n -c -m -d narval -l -v -S "central_log --console true;--name toto;--log_level debug"
Where server port is 4444 in GANIL configuration and server_ip may be
After you can launch in an other terminal to see logs:
PromptTerm2> screen -r dcod_launch
And then you can launch command to start the "acquisition":
PromptTerm1> narval_script_launch.bash sub_system_name conf_file.graphml
To stop the acquisition :
PromptTerm1> narval_script_stop.bash sub_system_name
To clean the subsystem after a stop :
PromptTerm1> narval_shell --end_point http://localhost:5487 set action reset_com toto | xmlstarlet fo -
PromptTerm1> narval_shell --end_point http://localhost:5487 set action unload toto | xmlstarlet fo -
PromptTerm1> narval_shell --end_point http://localhost:5487 set action finish toto | xmlstarlet fo -
Compare narval stand alone vs narval¶
Narval STD Alone | Narval | Comments | |
Basic DCOD Tool needed | PMH needed | PMH needed and or CTL | CTL needed only if multi hosts |
dcod_launch options | dcod_launch -m -s -l | dcod_launch -m -n -p -l | One can add a -L $LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path_to_your_non_pem_libs - ![]() |
visu logs | screen -r | screen -r |
Get DCOD old way¶
Sources Based (Old way)¶
If you lack CC mercurial access¶
Use the following archives :If you have CC mercurial access¶
go where you want to put sources and then :
Prompt> hg clone ssh://hg.in2p3.fr/p42 p42-dev
Prompt> cd 42-dev
Prompt> hg update -r 192:d63855d81695
go back where you want to put sources and then :
Prompt> hg clone ssh://hg.in2p3.fr/dcod dcod-dev
Prompt> cd dcod-dev
Prompt> hg update -r 1357:5fbb2715a65b
Prompt> cd p42-dev
Prompt> ./configure --prefix=$HOME/nice_place_to_install_p42
Prompt> make && make install
DCOD Launcher¶
- --enable-narval option will set a narval build / optionnal
- --enable-enx option will set an ENX build / optionnal also
Prompt> cd dcod-dev
Prompt> ADA_PROJECT_PATH=$HOME/nice_place_to_install_p42/include/:/Where_Is_My_Gnat_Pro_Compiler/gnat_pro-7.2.1/include/ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/where-I-want-to-install-dcod --enable-narval --enable-enx
Prompt> make && make install
Install GNAT and usuals libraries¶
- For a Debian wheezy system
Prompt> tar xjf build-gnat_pro-7.3.1-narval-ganil-shared-5.tar.bz2
Prompt> cd build-gnat_pro-7.3.1-narval-ganil-shared-5/
Prompt> cat README
Prompt> export PATH=$HOME/tools/gnat_pro-7.3.1/bin:$PATH
Prompt> export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
Prompt> export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu
Prompt> export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu
Prompt> sed -e 's/xavier/YOUR_USER_NAME_HERE/' -i config.mk
Prompt> make base64 libs
Then add the 4 export lines to your ~/.bashrc for future use