- May, 7th - GANIL, Electronic and DAQ for GANIL
- April, 23th - GANIL, DAQ evolution for GANIL
- April, 22th - GANIL, DAQ architecture design
- January, 8th - RunControl meeting
- June, 28 -Group meeting
- July, from 23th to 27th - Working week @LNL
- February, 27th -EVO meeting
- February, 03rd - EVO meeting
- January, 18th - EVO meeting
- October, 14th - EVO meeting
- October, 12th - EVO meeting - Network discussion
- June, 8th - GSI
- May, 27th - EVO meeting
- March, 11th - EVO meeting
- February, 15th - EVO meeting
- January,19th - LNL - First AK meeting