


Status: open

Release start date: 2014-07-21

Release end date: 2014-09-22

Remaining story points: 0

Planned velocity:



- COD dashboard improvements
- CSI dashboard improvements
- VO dashboard activation

Release Burnup chart

No burndown available


Release Backlog

# Tracker Subject Story Points
6341 Feature Over 30 days for A/R and MW.
6330 Feature ROD Performance Index level missing
6423 Feature Ticket content could contain Expiration date
6925 Bug reordinated at each refresh according
6986 Feature COD overview
6987 Feature Display ROD ticket escalated to COD in CODashboard
7048 Feature Add alarms attachement on notepad tool
7865 Bug Replace -100 value in Availabilities & Reliabilities page
7025 Feature New column :escalated tickets
7096 Feature Attach alarm to a notepad / notepad->GGUS ticket converison
7071 Feature Change order of ticket history
7646 Bug add a cleanup process for unreleased assigned alarm and orphan groups
7735 Bug Broadcast tool should display list in alphabetical order .
7773 Bug Vo User Metrics broken
7033 Bug set expiration date to COD ticket during Action "COD Update"
7779 Bug Details of each record of each issue not reachable
7782 Feature New Availabilities / Reliabilities tresholds
7785 Feature Refine release notes view
7796 Feature Broadcast option : contact sites supporting a given vo
7797 Feature VO registration form modifications
7798 Bug VO Disciplines update : bug in the display
7805 Feature Synchronization of ROD mailing lists with GOC DB
7861 Bug GGUS tickets with the responsible unit set to an empty value.
7864 Bug Unable to update middleware checkboxes in vo update
7868 Bug Unable to remove alarm on an existing ticket : 107657
7869 Feature Enable removing last alarm of a ticket
7870 Bug CVE import fails on recoveries
6403 Feature Include EGI resources in the VO application card in Operations Portal
7876 Feature Add option to revert ticket history order
7873 Bug wrong display in ticket output submission page
7894 Bug VO id card edit view - double field
7916 Bug Not able to create COD ticket
7919 Bug Tickets created through Ops Portal COD dashboard - wrong status in GGUS
7922 Feature Add a link to the COD metrics from the main page
7928 Feature Get GGUS SU from GOC DB API
7934 Feature Add regular clean up for closed Notepads and Handovers
7935 Feature Check cloud Resources fields
7938 Feature Suppress output page on add/remove alarm on group attached to a ticket
7972 Feature Add the possibility to transform notepad into ticket
7977 Feature Release Process 3.0.5
7991 Bug Can't select action while clickin out of the texte zone
7983 Feature Notepad

Closed Sprints