Feature #6831
no information about which ticket I am updating
Added by Lequeux Olivier almost 11 years ago.
Updated about 10 years ago.
Assigned To:
Lequeux Olivier
Story points | - |
Velocity based estimate | - |
Release | 3.0.4 | Release relationship | Auto |
Christian Soettrup
When I update a ticket there is no information about which ticket I am updating.
I also can't cut and paste from the ticket "thread".
- add last entry
- information about ticket
- Priority changed from Normal to High
- Priority changed from High to Immediate
- Status changed from New to In progress
- Assigned To set to Lequeux Olivier
My suggestion is to add first a link on the form page to go with the ticket details
Discussabout the feature showing n-1 step and original submision on top of ticket form
- Status changed from In progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
A link on the ticket number will be available on each update form.
A CTRL+click will give 2 web browser tab.
- % Done changed from 50 to 100
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