


Status: open

Release start date: 2014-07-04

Release end date: 2014-07-17

Remaining story points: 0

Planned velocity:



- Ticket modifications
- Security dashboard
- Miscellaneous fixes

Release Burnup chart

No burndown available


Release Backlog

# Tracker Subject Story Points
6831 Feature no information about which ticket I am updating
6832 Feature When creating a ticket I don't get a ticket number.
7032 Bug ROD COD Item
7165 Bug Dates of Alarms for Low availability are reset on each update
7166 Feature Add escalation procedure for MW tickets
7168 Bug Mnok alarms feature not allow to properly go back
7708 Feature Add link to original issues in ROD dashboard
7715 Bug Review alarm import process / cleanup and deletion of recoveries
7051 Feature Refine home page adding links to tools
7774 Bug Global ROD email address is no more used to notify for Operational test edition in ROD dashboard
7775 Feature Reach original ROD issue
7776 Feature Disable user identity filter on verify action
7777 Bug Wrong GGUS SU assignement on ticket creation
7778 Feature Enabling new security dashboard

Closed Sprints