Bug #6335
closedDowntime differently calculated in old and new version
Reported by : Tadeusz.Szymocha@cyfronet.pl
Downtime longer than 1 month. It is probably differently calculated in old and new version.
Start Date 27-Jan-14 02:00:00
End Date 27-Feb-14 00:00:00
It is visible in new version and it is not in the old one.
2b) https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=12560
Start Date 03-Dec-13 18:00:00
End Date 03-Dec-14 18:00:00
So it is 1 year (but for non-production service) - is it that, why it is not presented in production version of Dashboard?
Updated by Lequeux Olivier about 11 years ago
Yes, you are right
1. non production sites are used : will be fixed
2. one is calculated with 31 days the other with 30 days, we have to choose!
Updated by Szymocha Tadeusz almost 11 years ago
Let's give 1 calendar month :)
I am aware that during February that would mean a few days less, but it would facilitate downtime creation for admins (if they would like to set near threshold downtime).
Updated by L'Orphelin Cyril almost 11 years ago
I don't understand your point.
We are talking about a duration .
The calendar has nothing to do with this calculation.
We can change the threshold to the value you want but this is a fixed value .
Updated by Lequeux Olivier almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100