Support #3010
closedFirefox version on janus
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Vic would like to have newer version of firefox on janus ...
The version of Iceweasel in the system I was given to use was rather old. Claimed to be 3.5.16. This is the version I get from lxagata0. This does not support scrolling in Javascript Alert windows. This was accepted as a bug by Mozilla in 2008 and fixed. Debian more or less use the same version numbers as Firefox. So the current stable version is 13. 13.0.1 comes with Debian 6.0.5 As the number of digitizers increases (we had 22 in use) there are some tests to quickly check all digitizers but the summary screen is quite big. Also there is now embedded help for all screen and some of these need scrolling. Ideally there should be a terminal dedicated for control of the digitizers. I purchased 2 of these which were in Legnaro.