



Added by Legay Eric about 14 years ago

How can I use it ?

No arguments ?

How will be formatted the return parameters ?


Replies (3)

RE: Get_Crystals AND the others services - Added by Guevara Luz about 14 years ago

The provided services can be accessed through a soap client application. You can find inside the repository the file /trunk/wsdl/TM_services.wsdl which contains the service specifications needed to make the client application. The data types definitions used in the client/server communication are specified in  /trunk/src/ (Device_type, color_type and status_type).
If you find it useful, you can take a look at the client in /trunk/src/tm_client.adb which has been developed in ADA.

Summary of arguments and responses for services (Fifth revision):

  • Get_Crystals: Get the information using XML format, for all crystals in current topology.

In this revision, this service doesn't require any arguments in client call and the response will be always formatted in XML format.
The future revision of the service will take as argument the device type from requester and their response will be in the format required by him.

  • Get_Information : This service get the information of the requested device (device_id) in a specified format depending on the type of requester (device_type:
    triple cluster, crystal, digitizer, etc).

Request arguments: device_id, device_type.
In this revision, the response is always formatted in XML format. In the future revision of this service the device type of requested device will be also required as argument and the response will be in the format required by the requester.

  • Set_Crystal_Status: Allow the status_device modification (on, off) in a requested device (device_id).

Request arguments: device_id, status_device.

RE: Get_Crystals - Added by Legay Eric about 14 years ago

OK, but how will you format the return parameter of Get_Crystals ?

Can you give me an exemple pls ?

RE: Get_Crystals - Added by Guevara Luz about 14 years ago

The crystals list is started and ended by the "devices" tag. The information of each crystal is started and ended by the "device" tag and followed by their attributes list.

<device device_type="crystal" name="crystal001" color="green" father=" 1" status="on"></device>
<device device_type="crystal" name="crystal002" color="red" father=" 1" status="off"></device>
<device device_type="crystal" name="crystal003" color="bleu" father=" 1" status="off"></device>
<device device_type="crystal" name="crystal004" color="red" father=" 2" status="off"></device>
<device device_type="crystal" name="crystal005" color="green" father="2" status="off"></device>
<device device_type="crystal" name="crystal006" color="bleu" father=" 2" status="off"></device>

where the "father" attribute of one device is the triple-cluster id at which belongs this crystal.
