


Status: open

Release start date: 2015-03-26

Release end date: 2015-07-07

Remaining story points: 0

Planned velocity:



Release Burnup chart

No burndown available


Release Backlog

# Tracker Subject Story Points
8823 Feature Periodic automatic check of VO ID card information
6421 Feature Datepicker for expiration date in ticket form
9142 Bug VOMS enrollment url
9162 Feature new column in user metrics
9259 Feature Ticket type created by Ops Portal
9260 Feature Resources browser : remove non production sites
9262 Feature new feature AR
9264 Feature Broadcast alphabetical order
9265 Feature VO information
9266 Feature VO information voms instructrion
9267 Feature vo search tool
9268 Feature RD brower
9269 Feature VO - User Number
9270 Feature vo management : users metrics
9271 Feature vo security list
9272 Feature EGI MT - vo Metrics
9273 Bug EGI MT - Synoptic view
9274 Feature EGI MT - Synoptic view
9555 Bug Change verify message (ticket)
9587 Feature Modify the trigger of insertion into RodNagiosProblem to solve alarm age problem
9588 Feature Improved usability of the security dashboard
9589 Feature Overview of "ok" results
9590 Feature Reports of security issues
9591 Feature Integration with EGI RT
9700 Feature Release 3.2.0 Process
9794 Bug Add the possibility to click on the site in the dashboard
9933 Feature Handle alarms for
10041 Feature Update VO AUP template

Closed Sprints