



Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection

Welcome to the Forge pages of the GRAND experiment! Here you will find GRAND at work.

Working Groups : where the actual work is done. They report their progress in dedicated pages listed below, with notes, meeting minutes and slides, spreadsheets, etc. Each Working Group can report to/be flagged into several Umbrella Forums.

Umbrella Forum: where the projects are organized at a higher level, with results from Working Groups presented and cross-discussed. Each Umbrella Forum has a page that lists on-going tasks and projects (flagged Working Groups), priorities, etc.

If you are creating a new Working Group page, please contact Jean-Marc Colley or François Legrand so that the page be listed below. Also please contact the Chairs of the Forums where you should be flagged.

New to Forge? Check the quick start guide for instructions.

Umbrella Forums

Working Groups

(alphabetical order)