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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned To Updated Category
12331 CLASS Bug Resolved Normal Doxygen?? 02/18/2016 10:06 AM Actions
11129 CLASS Bug Resolved Immediate Missing file in repository LENIAU Baptiste 10/27/2015 05:46 PM Actions
9785 CLASS Bug Resolved Normal CLASSGui handling more than 1 .root file MOUGINOT Baptiste 05/06/2015 05:17 PM Actions
7899 CLASS Duty Resolved Normal improve .info reading... LENIAU Baptiste 02/07/2015 05:40 PM Actions
7525 CLASS Bug Resolved Normal AddToStock MOUGINOT Baptiste 07/08/2014 02:44 PM Actions
7387 CLASS Feature Resolved High DecayHeat calculation LENIAU Baptiste 04/29/2015 11:27 AM Actions
7386 CLASS Feature Resolved Normal RadioTox LENIAU Baptiste 04/29/2015 11:28 AM Actions
7384 CLASS Feature Resolved Urgent IrradiationModel LENIAU Baptiste 07/04/2014 05:09 PM Actions
7383 CLASS Feature Resolved Normal EquivalenceModel MOUGINOT Baptiste 07/04/2014 05:09 PM Actions
7381 CLASS Feature Resolved Urgent FuelPlan MOUGINOT Baptiste 08/28/2014 11:10 AM Actions
7378 CLASS Feature Resolved High Log : Warning Level MOUGINOT Baptiste 07/08/2014 02:29 PM Actions
7377 CLASS Bug Resolved Urgent PF managment MOUGINOT Baptiste 02/07/2015 05:42 PM Actions
7319 CLASS Task Resolved Normal UserGUIDE Doligez Xavier 02/10/2015 04:49 PM Actions
6808 CLASS Bug Resolved Normal DataBank 04/10/2014 11:23 AM Actions
5378 CLASS Feature Resolved Low FabricationPlant use depleted uranium 04/29/2015 11:32 AM Actions
5331 CLASS Feature Closed Low DataBank 04/29/2015 11:30 AM Actions
5242 CLASS Bug Resolved Low Inifnit loop in SetDistanceType() 04/29/2015 11:31 AM Actions
4259 CLASS Feature Resolved Low Acces to the CLASS TTree ERNOULT Marc 06/07/2013 08:55 AM Actions
3905 CLASS Support Resolved Low lecture des Decay 06/06/2013 05:35 PM Actions
3897 CLASS Bug Resolved Normal Add flexibility to the Time management MOUGINOT Baptiste 02/06/2013 03:59 PM Actions
3896 CLASS Feature Resolved Low Put a method to set output name 02/05/2013 11:53 AM Actions
3895 CLASS Feature Resolved Low Update the read.c macro MOUGINOT Baptiste 06/05/2013 10:12 AM Actions
3893 CLASS Task Resolved Low Changing TreatmentFactory Name to Pool 06/05/2013 10:13 AM Actions
3892 CLASS Bug Closed Low Vérifier la Valeur des vecteurs isotopiques MOUGINOT Baptiste 06/07/2013 09:36 AM Actions
3890 CLASS Feature Resolved Normal Visualisation de la puissance installée MOUGINOT Baptiste 05/22/2013 02:32 PM Actions
(1-25/29) Per page: 25, 50

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