Feature #7965
closedinfo from the web interface
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Hi! I would suggest some modif to the web interface that would make our life easier:
1) for the cluster, the most imp info for the setup/daq is the position (one calls the cristals 00C,12B, 14A...etc.),
so it would be nice to have the position at first glance and the serial num of the cluster as hidden/second glance info
2) it would be really useful to have the possibility to list all the device linked to a given cristal when clicking on it...
either adding fields in the table that already appears or graphically...the idea is to have easy access to which anode, pdu etc.
is connected to a given crystal...
that's it... for the moment
merci beaucoup!
Related issues
Updated by Legay Eric almost 10 years ago
- Copied to Feature #8064: info from the web interface added
Updated by Legay Eric almost 10 years ago
- Copied to Feature #8065: info from the web interface added
Updated by Legay Eric almost 10 years ago
- Due date set to 09/22/2014
- Category set to GUI
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assigned To set to Legay Eric
Split in 2 easier problems