Feature #28611
closedSecurity weakness : Forward Secrecy
Lavoisier server does not support Forward Secrecy with the reference browsers .
Forward secrecy (FS) also known as perfect forward secrecy (PFS), is a property of secure communication protocols in which compromises of long-term keys does not compromise past session keys. Forward secrecy protects past sessions against future compromises of private key. The very popular RSA key exchange doesn’t provide forward secrecy. You need to support and prefer ECDHE suites in order to enable forward secrecy with modern web browsers.
Updated by L'Orphelin Cyril almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to In progress
Updated by Schwarz Lionel almost 7 years ago
- Category set to Service
- Assigned To set to Schwarz Lionel
Ajout du support des ciphers suite activés par la property 'lavoisier.ssl.ciphers' dans lavoisier-service.properties:
Par défaut, c'est la config du moteur SSL de Java qui est prise en compte.
cf https://weakdh.org/sysadmin.html rubrique Tomcat
Updated by Schwarz Lionel almost 7 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
- Status changed from In progress to Resolved