Bug #2532
closed[VO Dashboard] Overview per services
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The monitoring is organized by NGI then site, which definitely makes sense for site admins I guess. However from a VO perspective, the NGI and site view is not that important. It may be interesting to move the focus (I don't know how exactly) on nodes and the services they host: SE, CE, WMS etc.
For instance, the starting point could be the service flavor, say SRM, then you unfold the service and get NGIs and/or sites, then ultimately host name and alarms related to the SRM service.
By reviewing this email, I feel like the issues summary it the right place to meet that need (see below).
This summary on the left part of the window is a very good idea I think, in particular to list notepads and tickets (why not add events by the way?).Issues summary:
This is a choice, events are not necessarily related to a problem in fact
But I'm puzzled with the summary of alarms: it's definitely needed to have such a summary, but sorting alarms by probe name may not be the most appropriate: it would be better, I guess, to group the probes by service type (SRM, WMS, CE/CREAM-CE). The reason like I said above is that frequently, several alarms on the same host are related to the same issue. So in the summary we would have:
-> SRM (12)Critical
-> WMS (15)
-> CE (3)
... etc.