Bug #1795
closedEnded jobs (finished in the last 24 hours) not showing last 24h for busy channels
Dear Lionel,
The Ended jobs (finished in the last 24 hours) views are not showing the last 24h for busy channels. You can check, for example, on PIC FTSMonitor (**):
https://ftm.pic.es/ftsmonitor/ftschannel.php?channel=PIC-STAR&vo=all (*)
() If you cannot access, please send your DN to lcg.support@pic.es
(*) It seems your IN2P3 FTSMonitor is not working atm
"You don't have permission to access /stockage/fts/monitoring/ on this server."
Could it be that you are somehow putting a limit on the number of rows to read from database? It could be good if you could tell us how this can be overpass, as we are interested to check last 24h on the monitors for all the channels for some dedicated LHCONE tests CMS is running atm, and/or fix this in the next version of the FTSMonitor.
Btw, we had a look here in PIC and it seems once per month the history are moved from T_JOB to T_JOB_HISTORY. This could have an implication to list all transfers, if you are not considering that (maybe you are).
Thanks and have a nice weekend,