

Chambon Bernard

  • Login:
  • Registered on: 02/18/2011
  • Last connection: 12/16/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 9 19 28
Reported issues 16 28 44


Project Roles Registered on
TReqS Manager, Programmer 03/24/2015
TReqS-legacy Manager 03/06/2015
KickSlot Programmer, Reporter, Documentation Manager 07/07/2014
Lavoisier Programmer, Reporter, Documentation Manager 01/21/2014



02:46 PM TReqS Bug #11418 (Resolved): HPSS 7.4.2 + JNI
The failure was due to mismatch with libtirpc dynamic lib because rpc call have been change into HPPS for use that rp... Chambon Bernard
10:07 AM TReqS Bug #11418 (Resolved): HPSS 7.4.2 + JNI
To uses HPSS, we must use libtirpc (-ltirpc provide in /lib64 son ccsvli10)
Doing this, unit C test is ok (...
Chambon Bernard


03:31 PM TReqS Bug #9697 (Resolved): Facing OutOfMemory Exception ? (OutOfMemoryError)
Java limits and hardware config of server have been changed
Chambon Bernard
03:30 PM TReqS Bug #9736 (Suspended): hpss_SetLoginCred + hpss_PurgeLoginCred
Chambon Bernard
03:28 PM TReqS Task #10331 (Closed): Yet another test on dev instance (ccosvm0772)
Chambon Bernard
03:28 PM TReqS Bug #10490 (Resolved): watchdog stopped
Last 'watchdog stop' was due to a ConcurrentModification exception
that wasn't catched in the right place (outside f...
Chambon Bernard


03:10 PM TReqS Bug #10490 (In progress): watchdog stopped
Changing exception management for watchdog functionality :
o Trap exception inside the watchdog loop and
o Exiting ...
Chambon Bernard
08:44 AM TReqS Bug #10498 (In progress): Mysql Deadlock
Chambon Bernard


09:50 AM TReqS Bug #10498: Mysql Deadlock
Checking on 07/28
* No deadlock found on cctreqs[xrootd]
Checking on 07/29
* New deadlock found on cctreqsxroo...
Chambon Bernard


02:40 PM TReqS Bug #10498: Mysql Deadlock
Deadlock seems related to mysql event scheduler, mainly 'cleaning_jqueues' which interacts with jqueues and also jreq... Chambon Bernard

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