Functionnal specifications¶
Access control¶
"Security Dashboard will be in full HTTPS and specific credentials could be applied for each feature and component.
ROD/COD/Site Administrator will not have any credential for the first release of security dashboard, indeed actions through security dashboard
are not properly defined for these roles."
Collecting security issues¶
Security metrics, reporting functions¶
"We will start with a simple integraton of the results of Pakiti and Nagios to the existing dashboard.
Both these services will provide an XML-based reports that will be retrieved by the dashboard on regular basis.
The results will contain the site name (as per GOC DB) and information gathered to the site."
"Define/adapt/implement/ the XML (CSV,...) format of the reports for Nagios and Pakiti and make them available for Dashboard."
"And just to give a feeling what's behind the numbers in Pakiti, I enclose a few graphs that we generated recently. I'd be really thankful
if the dashboard could provide us with such graphs in the end, since it wasn't that easy to produce them :-) Besides these graphs, we're also
interested in pictures describing individual sites, but that's something we can discuss later."