


National computing resources

The IN2P3 computing center

The IN2P3 Computing Center CC-IN2P3 offer a batch farm and disk (/scratch as temp space, /sps/atlas as local disk, IN2P3-CC_LOCALGROUPDISK as the local grid storage, accessible from the interactive and batch machines). It also has a limited number of GPU accessible. ATLAS / CERN software is available via CVMFS.
The local batch system is slurm, please check the documentation for usage.

check TipsLifeWithoutLXPLUS and the introduction page from Computing ATLAS France.

The CNRS Computing Center

CNRS has a national Tier-1 HPC center IDRIS with a processor-based HPC machine and large GPU based machines. In general, large scale running is subject to project submission and review. However some ATLAS France members were able to access sizeable resources with a simple 1-page project submission (signed by institute director).