Task #9725
closedProvide JTREQS workflows
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Updated by Chambon Bernard almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Done, see
Here are some conclusions
- Threads view
one thread for Dispatcher one thread for Activator Activator will run up to N stagers i.e. up to N threads (each stager run in one thread) N is compute from number of waiting queues and count of simultaneous stagers per queue (STAGING_DEPTH (=3) in config file) and limit in count of drives allocated per type (of drive) e.g. 40 requests (40 different files) => 40 queues, all using the same model (e.g. T10K-B) 15 drives allocated for T10K-B there will be 1 + 1 + 15 (=stagers) threads
- My (first) impressions about java code
A lot of (too much ?) abstraction Data structures are numerous and heavy, many Map, List, MultiMap ! Some classes have quite the same data members (e.g. FileRequest and PersistenceHelperFileRequest) Some classes have poor justification (e.g. class User {{ private String name; } ! Naming variables must be done carefully (I mean 'filename' and NOT 'name'). Caution with class name e.g. File already used is Java classes hierarchy e.g. Resource is too generic (not explicit) Why Stager is in model package (I recommend control/stager package) Request | queues status are in DB but also as enum in code (see Request | QueueStatus) Poor justification for values between and DefaultProperties e.g. public static final String DEFAULT_DAO_FACTORY = "" + "treqs.persistance.mysql.MySQLDAOFactory"; (in .conf...) A lot of Exception classes (lot => less readable !) DAO model is outdated (I recommend using JPA) A lot of (130) classes !! (besides 63 classes for test code (~400 tests) ) ... let's have a cup of coffee ... !
Updated by Chambon Bernard almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to In progress
Updated by Chambon Bernard over 9 years ago
- Status changed from In progress to Closed