Task #49214
openFeature #45484: * D5 - Images management (L1-L2)
Feature #44514: ** (SF11) IPC - Images Processing (Grenouille) - (L0 => L1a/b/c) - img_process
Task #57968: *** (SF11) USE CASES - ACTIONS (on entities) & VIEWS (web pages)
**** (SF11) STEP2 - (L1a) - Pré-traitement de chaque image (dans l’ordre) (fits RAW => fits CAL) : corrections (pixels modifiés + mise à jour header), calibrations D/B/F et orientation
In progress
Assigned To:
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)
Updated by Pallier Etienne about 3 years ago
- Target version set to v0.4 - PA 1.1 - 03/2022
Updated by Pallier Etienne over 2 years ago
- Subject changed from 2 - (L1a) - Pré-traitement de chaque image (dans l’ordre) (fits RAW => fits CAL) to 2 - (L1a) - Pré-traitement de chaque image (dans l’ordre) (fits RAW => fits CAL) : corrections (pixels modifiés + mise à jour header), calibrations D/B/F et orientation
Updated by Pallier Etienne over 1 year ago
- Parent task changed from #44514 to #57968
Updated by Pallier Etienne over 1 year ago
- Subject changed from 2 - (L1a) - Pré-traitement de chaque image (dans l’ordre) (fits RAW => fits CAL) : corrections (pixels modifiés + mise à jour header), calibrations D/B/F et orientation to **** (SF11) STEP2 - (L1a) - Pré-traitement de chaque image (dans l’ordre) (fits RAW => fits CAL) : corrections (pixels modifiés + mise à jour header), calibrations D/B/F et orientation