Task #44939
openFeature #45482: * D3 - Sequences submission & plannig
Feature #44153: ** (SF05) SEQ - Observation Sequences Management - seq_mgmt
Task #47447: *** (SF05) USE CASES - ACTIONS (on entities) & VIEWS (web pages)
Task #57851: **** (SF05) CRUD actions on Sequence
Task #49250: CREATE/UPDATE Sequence
Task #44932: CREATE a Sequence (must be attached to a valid SP)
Task #57450: from WEB page (INTERACTIVE)
Task #49252: WEB FORM
SUBMIT a Seq to planning (status => "submitted")
Status : by default, a Sequence is in “DRAFT” state, until it is explicitly “submitted” to the system ; then it changes to “SUBMITTED” state. Thus, a Sequence can be just “saved without submission” or “saved & submitted”.
Security check : once submitted, a Sequence is examined (to ensure it will not damage the telescope or instruments) and validated or rejected => it is (saved but) not submitted until it is validated
Once submitted, a Sequence will be available for the Planning sub-system