Feature #2975
closedXML Schema (XSD) for VOID card XML feed
From RT Ticket created by William Vassilis Karageorgos => https://rt.egi.eu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=4128
The EGI Applications Database uses the EGI Operations Portal VOID card XML feed
in order to display relational data between applications and VOs. The acquired
VOID card data gets transformed and cached in our system, in order to provide
searching functionality. This cache is periodically invalidated and refreshed,
but occasional network or other problems may result in an XML feed that
comprises a valid - and thus loadable and parsable - yet truncated or otherwise
corrupt XML document. This has led to synchronization issues in the past, and
in order to minimize future issues, an XSD file for the VOID card feed would be
of much help.
Best regards,
Updated by L'Orphelin Cyril over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved