1) Frameworks & JS Libraries
- In order to increase the maintainability and the efficiency of the application we have migrated to Symfony 3.
- upgrade of bootstrap
- use Datatables Js libraries to optimize the presentation of the tables (Vo Management, Metrics)
- Use of Google Chart (Vo Management, Metrics)
Only the modules related to dashboards will stay in the previous version of symfony.
3) Ergonomics
- Addition of links to ARGO and VAPOR applications
- Changes into global menu presentation (and optimization depending on screen size)
4) Module and project modifications
- Reorganisation of project infrastructure
- Removal of useless files and features
- Merge of Vo Management Tool and VO ID cards (all-in-one page )
- Removal of Availabilities/reliabilities module (replace by ARGO)
5) New Downtime Module
Replacement of the current downtime notification system:
- with a suscription page (emails , rss , ical)
- with timelines charts and tables
- with a search tool
- different formats (CSV, Json)
6) Continuous Integration
- a procedure of developments is in place : https://forge.in2p3.fr/projects/opsportaluser/wiki/Development_Procedure
- an integration plateform has been set-up with PHPUnit , GitlabCI , docker and SonarQBE : https://forge.in2p3.fr/projects/opsportaluser/wiki/Continuous_Integration
Release Burnup chart
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