



When; Where ?

  • Join Zoom Meeting
  • 14h00

Topic: TS2020
Time: Dec 4, 2020 02:00 PM Paris

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 929 4735 9833
Passcode: 047057


- L'Observatoire Virtuel pour la découverte, l'access et la visualisation des données et données associées - Ada Nebot - 15 min

- Using MOCs for the EM follow-up on GW. - Giuseppe Greco - 15 min

- MOCs en Jupyter Notebook - Matthieu Baumann - 15 min

- L'OV dans un contexte 'big data’ - Julien Peloton - 15 min

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- Discussion autour du VO et des tutoriels


(Fabian Schüssler)

  • L'Observatoire Virtuel pour la découverte, l'access et la visualisation des données et données associées - Ada Nebot
  • How can one deal with storage issues in virtual tutorials (e.g. sharing large dataset for use by users)?
  • Access to (limited) CPU is usually straightforward (e.g. Binder), storage is more difficult. A working group within ESCAPE is preparing a European Science platform which should provided this service.
  • Using MOCs for the EM follow-up on GW. - Giuseppe Greco
  • Is it possible to include additional dimensions in the MOC? E.g. distance, wavelength, etc.
  • For the moment MOCs are only using 2D spatial coordinates (Healpix) on the sphere and (since recently) time. Extensions are possible following the scheme used to add the time domain. Additional dimensions can also be used by applying filters (see example in the shown tutorial). An Aladin plugin using the full distance information in each MOC pixel as provided by LVK is in preparation.
  • MOCs en Jupyter Notebook - Matthieu Baumann
  • Can one plot MOC using the healpix functionalities instead of matplotlib?
  • Various projections are supported by mocpy...
  • What is the format of the input catalog for the space-time MOC? e.g. could it be a simple list like RA, Dec, MJD?
  • Yes, one would only need to specify the required resolution of the map in addition.
  • L'OV dans un contexte 'big data’ - Julien Peloton
  • Is there a possibility to x-match between more than two catalogs?
  • Evolution of the VoEvent format requires feedback from the community (e.g. advantages of Kafka). Try to reduce the number of different formats, e.g. it requires significant effort to implement/maintain various format at our observatories (e.g. SCIMMA).
  • Discussion autour du VO et des tutoriels
  • Is there an archive for the definitions of the content of VoEvents? eg. similar to the paper on the content of FRB events and/or example VoEvents from available stream.
  • No, there is no such central place. The minimal content of the event is defined in the VoEvent standard but there is a lot of flexibility that is being actively used and thus makes the VoEvents emitted by different observatories rather different.
  • Is the format of tutorial (e.g. via jupyter notebooks) working and useful? Should we do them more often and for other tools?
  • Yes, but it would be great to have access to the notebooks before/during the meeting.
  • These tutorials are important to teach younger colleagues.
  • Complementary to dedicated tutorials, a list of available tools and related tutorials would great.
* TODO: Ada will put a list of available tools on the wiki => selection/vote on dedicated tutorials on any of them (timescale March/April or later)
  • Dedicated Vo school is coming up in a few weeks and several tutorials could be reused after. Some are also already available on the CDS webpage.
  • Next TS 2020 meetings
  • TODO: Send an email to the TS2020 community.

Documents of interest