



In order to do a checkout of a given tag of jTReqS it is necessary to have installed this software:

  • Java 6 sdk 64 bits It is important to have 64 bits in order to use the Native part that communicates with HPSS.
  • Maven 2.2 to invoke the project life cycle. It is necessary to configure M2_HOME, M2, JAVA_HOME and PATH (Check at the end of the download page, the section "Installation Instructions").
  • git to retrieve the sources.
  • gcc to compile the native part.
  • HPSS API installed, in order to compile the native part and to execute the application.

Once you have installed all this software, you have to have set an enviroment like this:

$ export M2_HOME=/scratch/jtreqs/apache-maven-2.2.1/
$ export M2=$M2_HOME/bin
$ export PATH=$M2:$PATH
$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_17/
$ export HPSS_ROOT=${HPSS_ROOT:-/opt/hpss}

Then you have to select a tag from the git central repository that can be found at The list of tags can be seen from this page, and then you just have to select a specific one. The most recent tag of a version is the first from the list.

Once you have selected a tag from the central repository, you have to type a command like this:

mvn -DconnectionUrl="scm:git:git://" scm:bootstrap -DscmVersion=<TAG> -DscmVersionType=tag

Where <TAG> is the name of the selected tag from the repository.
For example, if you selected a tag called jtreqs-server-1.5.4 you have to type the following command:

mvn -DconnectionUrl="scm:git:git://" scm:bootstrap -DscmVersion=jtreqs-server-1.5.4 -DscmVersionType=tag

This process could ask you for your credentials in the repository (twice) and it could take some time. This command will checkout the source code from the repository, then, it will execute the package goal from the Maven lifecycle, and if everything is okay, it will show a message like this:

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 55 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Mar 17 05:41:22 CET 2011
[INFO] Final Memory: 16M/313M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

This means that the process has finished successfully and then, a file called jtreqs.tar.gz will be the distribution file. This will be located at


from the current directory.

At this step, you must have the distribution time, and now you can proceed with the installation of jTReqS. We advise to upload each new released file from a tag in this forge.