Security metrics, reporting functions¶
Briefs extracts : ¶
"We will start with a simple integraton of the results of Pakiti and Nagios to the existing dashboard.
Both these services will provide an XML-based reports that will be retrieved by the dashboard on regular basis.
The results will contain the site name (as per GOC DB) and information gathered to the site."*
"Define/adapt/implement/ the XML (CSV,...) format of the reports for Nagios and Pakiti and make them available for Dashboard."
"And just to give a feeling what's behind the numbers in Pakiti, I enclose a few graphs that we generated recently. I'd be really thankful
if the dashboard could provide us with such graphs in the end, since it wasn't that easy to produce them :-) Besides these graphs, we're also
interested in pictures describing individual sites, but that's something we can discuss later."
Generation : on regular basis (each day ?)
- XML output
Generation : on the fly
XML report will contain Pakiti, NagiosProbe, Tickets
<Site name=""> <GenerationDate></GenerationDate> <Pakiti> </Pakiti> <NagiosProbe> </NagiosProbe> <Tickets> </Tickets> <Site>
@todo: - confrm that report is a XML/CVS View of the user interface - define content with more details (see example) - what about user's data and notes ? - what do you mean by 'Estimated values due to monitoring downtime' in metric graph