


Operations Portal – C-COD View

1 General description

C-COD View shows a list of sites having some predefined problems according to the following criteria:

  1. Site has one or more new alarms older than 72 hours
  2. Site has one or more tickets transferred to C-COD
  3. Site has one or more tickets unsolved since one month
  4. Site has one or more tickets expired since 3 days
  5. Site has one or more downtimes longer than one month

For each site displayed in this view, the reason of its presence is given in the yellow box. There could be more than one reason/explanation for each site. For every single problem, we count also the number of occurrences.

A snapshot of the list is saved every day to a database, and could be then consulted as C-COD Metrics. (See COD METRICS.)

The C-COD View is accessible only for people registered in GOCDB as "C-COD staff". This role permits you to act on all sites.

2 Technical description

There is one Symfony action to call C-COD View in the dashboard module:

# trunk/apps/frontend/modules/dashboard/actions/actions.class.php

3 Dependencies – Workflow

Classes: ccodList
Lavoisier view: ccod_sites or ccod_sites_nagios