



Downloading Ganil2Root

Using Git

For the last version

git clone

This will create a Ganil2Root folder inside your current folder.

Using Tarball

You can get the sources from the 'Files' section of this web site (not necessarily the latest version).

Environment variable

The following variable should be defined in your environment:
  • GANIL2ROOT - Points to the Ganil2Root top directory.

Examples on how to set the GANIL2ROOT variable, depending on your shell, is given in the $GANIL2ROOT/Misc directory.

Building Ganil2Root


The Ganil2Root package depends on 2 third-party softwares: Important notes:
  • Be sure to define the GRUDIR environment variable pointing to the GRU top directory
  • Since only the NPLib part of the NPTool project is needed you don't need to install the CLHEP and GEANT4 softwares at this stage.


Go to the libraries directory:

cd libs

And then compile:

make distclean

ROOT configuration

In order to make ROOT aware of the Ganil2Root's libraries you should include the following lines in your .rootlogon.C configuration file

TString path = gSystem->Getenv("GANIL2ROOT");
gROOT->ProcessLine(Form(".x %s/scripts/Ganil2RootLogon.C+", path.Data()));

An example is given in $GANIL2ROOT/Misc.