





A Growing seed: The Geant4 code is based on the C/C++ code used by the MiniBall collaboration to simulate Coulomb excitation reactions. This code was compatible with an old version of Geant4. However, to insure the future maintenance of the code, it has been decided to upgrade this implementation for a compatibility with the latest version of Geant4 (Geant4.9.6, available at the beginning of this work).

The possibility to use the future code to simulate the MiniBall HPGe in a Coulex setup was needed and it has to be maintained. Moreover, to help the data analysis of the experiment other detectors and configurations were requested. However, a unique code will be implemented from which a user could select or add its own detectors. In addition, several "ready to use" declensions would be written for the usual setups: HPGe MiniBall Coulex (without CD), old decay station (ODS), IDS PhaseI (MiniBalls + Clovers + Old tape station). For example, in order to reproduce the old tape station, the original code has been modified, the scintillator detectors as well as the implantation chamber have been introduced.

The clovers geometry will be extracted from the AGATA code and added to the present g4miniball based code.