



AGATA Data Processing and Analysis wiki pages

These pages regroup some informations regarding the Data Processing and Data Analysis chains.

The AGAPRO package contains the actors processing the AGATA Data flow online in NARVAL or offline in emulators.
It contains in particular PSA / Tracking algorithms.
Data are exchanged between actors using the ADF [AGATA Data Format] and saved at some point in the Data Flow in files that have the extention .adf.

To analyse those data, tools are required. The GammaWare handled the ADF library thus is able to access the data at different levels in the Data Flow [online/offline].
Through dedicated classes [tasks = Watchers] the data can be interpreted to create histograms / ROOT TTree.

In order to interpret the ancillary part, which depends on the detector used together with AGATA, a third party library might be required and is linked in the GammaWare.
this is the case
  • at Legnaro with the PRISMA library
  • at GIS with the prespec package
  • at GANIL with the MFM and VAMOS libraries

In these pages, status of issues can be tracked. Informations regarding majeur steps are announced through the wiki pages.

Here are also some useful links related to the project:

A Trello board
Some documents stored in the ATRIUM GED or

If you have any questions/comments, you can register here or send an email at agata{at}
