


sb24071302 / GRB 240713A

Trigger summary

ObsId ObsType ObsNum Trigger Instr. Classification Trigger Time (UTC) T90 (s) RA (final) Dec (final) Error position (degree) Redshift
2566914049 153 1 ECLAIRs LONG GRB 97.0% 2024-07-13T02:02:40.798 26.89 [20.27-52.51] 352.589 1.885 0.1825 --

Onboard ECLAIRs and GRM prompt visibility (More details in the ECLGRM-UI page)

Trigger Validation analysis (ETC)

Trigger physical properties (EIC)

Follow-up Summary

The Burst has been extensively follow-up in x-rays (EP/FXT, Swift/XRT), optical and IR wavelengths. No x-ray nor optical/IR counterpart has been detected. Thus, no redshift measured for this long soft and weak GRB.

SVOM follow-up summary

The SVOM follow-up teams performed observations with the TAROT-Chile (TCH) and OHP/T120 telescopes. A summary is given below:

Facility Midtime date (UTC) TGRB-Tobs Measurements GCNC Comments
TCH 2024-07-13 10:23:36 8.5h r > 18.4 link --
OHP/T120 2024-07-14T01:01:42.915 22.98h R > 21.7 link Only ~80% of the ECLAIRs FoV covered

External follow-up summary GCN viewer