


Description of the CESGA PI

It has the following parameters (passed using GET and URL coding):

  • sYear: Starting year of the period, defaults to last year
  • sMonth: Starting month of the period, defaults to current month (from last year)
  • eYear: Last year of the period, defaults to current year
  • eMonth: Last month of the period, defaults to current Month
  • query: Metric to decide ordering of the VOs, it can be njobs, sumcpu, normsumcpu, normelapsed or normsumelapsed.
  • nodteam: if present and non-null excludes dteam VO (it should not be a problem, anyway).
  • localJobs: It controls the presence of VOs associated with local jobs (jobs that are sent directly to job queues on-site, presently only accounted on CERN). It can be onlygridjobs, onlylocaljobs, and localgridjobs, defaults to onlygridjobs
  • number_entries: Number of entries to be returned, defaults to 10.