


Working week @ LNL

From 23th of July to 27th of July

Present on site : M. Bellato, D. Bortolato, N. Dosme, E. Legay
Support : L. Guevara, V. Lafage

Connection between LSC carrier and Topology Manager

Work has been done and now the configuration file of the Carrier (and GTS) is written from information provided by Topology Manager.

To create a new configuration file, you need to use the script buildcfg.
You MUST add the option --tm.

~> buildcfg --tm --test 1B 1C
This would be the agatavars file:

#autogenerated by "/home/psa-tests/bin/buildcfg --tm --test 1B 1C", any change will be lost!

export AGATA_MASTER_CARRIERS="carrier-018.agata.daq carrier-039.agata.daq" 
export AGATA_SLAVE_CARRIERS="carrier-024.agata.daq carrier-020.agata.daq" 
export AGATA_XPRESS="anode01 anode02" 
export AGATA_CRYSTALS="1B 1C" 

This would be the gts configuration file:

This would be the gts architecture configuration file:
1B gts-016 018
1C gts-006 039

This would be the cry.cfg configuration file:
1B 0
1C 0

To update the configurations file, you should use refresh option instead of the test one.

On this wiki page, you will find more information of how to use topology manager.

Others actions

The problem of firefox for digitizers have been fixed.
Elog altency is near fixed too.

Others informations

  • M. Bellato explains us that the GTS leaves must have the 40 first IPs. It's hard-coded.
  • GTS software cannot be compiled on new UBUNTU and SciLi distributions. Some libraries are no more compliant.
  • Pre-build binaries of GTS software cannot be used anymore on new UBUNTU and SciLi distributions. Software freeze for non understanding reasons.

The last two points needs more investigation. For the moment the distribution used in GSI must not be upgraded (at least for slow control machines).