


Feature #5013

Updated by Reynaud Sylvain almost 11 years ago

+Refactoring steps+: 
 1) develop java class to invoke <processor> for all SELECTED and DESCENDANT_OF_SELECT events. 
 2) support new syntax: 

  * develop XSL to translate new syntax to current syntax (for pre-processing). 
  * develop XSL to translate current syntax to new syntax (for 

 3) support Lavoisier XPath functions in PiXTL short notation (modify XSL to translate PiXTL short notation to new syntax). 
 4) support new syntax hidden parameters 

  * modify XSL to generate hidden parameters. 
  * instanciate plug-in from new syntax. 

 5) refactoring: move AbstractSAXPathProcessor to engine: 

  * modify adaptor interfaces. 
  * modify engine. 

 +Language modifications+: 
 * replace parameter "nodes" with attribute @match. 
 * replace parameter "namespaces" with xmlns:ns. 
 * replace parameters "variables" and "xml_variables" with <variable xml="true|FALSE"/>. isXML="true|FALSE"/>. 
 * support all XPath functions in both context, except function matched(). 

 +Pre-processing steps+: 
 1) add parameter types from processors: 

  * constant: never evaluated. 
  * relative path: potentially evaluated for each node. 
  * expression: evaluated for each selected node (text() is converted to 'constant', and @eval is converted to $variable). 

 2) convert XPath to XML tree <eval>. 
 3) 2) optimize: 

 * move the XPath functions that have no descendant::RelativeLocationPath (nor path relative to function matched()) to variables. 
 * add attribute @onEvents to <parameter>. 
 * convert XML tree <eval> to XPath @eval. 

 +Example with actual notation+: 
 <pre><code class="xml"> 
 <processor type="ReplaceProcessor"> 
     <parameter name="namespaces"> 
         <entry key="e"></entry> 
     <parameter name="variables"> 
         <entry key="prefix" eval="path('prefix')"/> 
     <parameter name="xml_variables"> 
         <entry key="xml" eval="request()"/> 
     <parameter name="nodes">/e:entries/e:entry[@key &lt; $xml/@value]</parameter> 
     <parameter name="node_prefix" eval="property('ns.entries')"/> name="node_value">'1'</parameter> 
     <parameter name="node_name">concat(path('prefix'),'-suffix')</parameter> name="node_name">concat(path('prefix'),'-',text())</parameter> 
     <parameter name="node_name_as_xpath">true</parameter> 
     <parameter name="node_value">'1'</parameter> 

 The +The same example with target notation: notation+: 
 <pre><code class="xml"> 
 <processor type="ReplaceProcessor" xmlns:e="" 
            match="/e:entries/e:entry[@key &lt; request()/@value]"> 
     <parameter name="node_prefix" eval="property('ns.entries')"/> 
     <parameter name="node_name" eval="concat(path('prefix'),'-suffix')"/> 
     <parameter name="node_value">1</parameter> 

 The same example optimized by Lavoisier: 
 <pre><code class="xml"> 
 <processor type="ReplaceProcessor" xmlns:e="" 
            match="/e:entries/e:entry[@key &lt; $_match1]"> 
     <variable name="_match1" eval="request()/@value"/> 
     <variable name="_node_name1" eval="concat(path('prefix'),'-suffix')"/> 
     <parameter name="node_prefix" eval="property('ns.entries')"/> 
     <parameter name="node_name">$_node_name1</parameter> eval="concat(path('prefix'),'-',text())"/> 
     <parameter name="node_value">1</parameter> 

 +Example XPath expression+: 
     $a != @id, 
     view('v', arguments() | entry('k', post()/*/*[@id=$a])), 
     view('v', arguments() | entry('k', post()/*/*[@id=current()/*/*[@name=property('name')]/@id])) 
 Then the following expressions must be evaluated for each selected event: 
 * <code>@id</code> 
 * <code>current()/*/*[@name=$_4]/@id</code> 

 +Main benefits+: 
 * less verbose. 
 * same XPath functions in both contexts. 
 * any parameter can be evaluated as an XPath expression.
