Task #59623
openShorten ctools unit testing
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The ctools unit test starts to last again for too long. Here a list of specific bottlenecks:
- Test cterror from Python (21 s)
- Test cterror on command line (7.2 s)
- Test ctobssim from Python (58 s)
- Test ctobssim on command line (14 s)
- Test cttsmap on command line (9.1 s)
- Test unbinned in-memory pipeline (14 s)
- Test unbinned pipeline with FITS file saving (14 s)
- Test csbkgmodel from Python (3m5s) ⇐ MAJOR BOTTLENECK
- Test csbkgmodel on command line (12s)
- Test csbkgmodel pickeling (12s)
- Test csiactobs from Python (9s)
- Test cslightcrv from Python (31s)
- Test cslightcrv on command line (10s)
- Test cslightcrv pickeling (9.6s)
- Test csmodelsois from Python (7.5s)
- Test csphagen from Python (11s)
- Test csphasecrv from Python (15s)
- Test csscs from Python (38s)
- Test csspec from Python (32s)
- Test csspec on command line (14s)
- Test csspec pickeling (14s)
- Test cstsdist from Python in unbinned mode (29s)
- Test cstsdist on command line (30s)
- Test cstsdist pickeling (29s)
- Test csworkflow from Python (29s)
- Test csworkflow on command line (15s)
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