Task #57875
openFeature #45481: * D2 - Users & Programs
Feature #44154: ** (SF02) SCP - Scientific Programs Management - scp_mgmt
Task #57513: *** (SF02) USE CASES - ACTIONS (on entities) & VIEWS (web pages)
Task #57518: **** (SF02) OTHER ENTITIES actions (ST, TP, Institute)
Task #45044: CRUD des autres entités (Institutes, Time Periods, Scientific Theme)
Task #45555: CRUD TP (Time Period)
Task #45558: Create Time Period
Call Sun&Moon Ephemeris computation and production (pickle file) for this TP (cf also SF07) (GuitAstro) => 2 fichiers par nuit (1 sun, 1 moon)
Assigned To:
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Updated by Pallier Etienne almost 2 years ago
- Subject changed from Call Sun&Moon Ephemeris computation and production (file) for this TP to Call Sun&Moon Ephemeris computation and production (file) for this TP (cf also SF07) (GuitAstro)
Updated by Pallier Etienne almost 2 years ago
- Subject changed from Call Sun&Moon Ephemeris computation and production (file) for this TP (cf also SF07) (GuitAstro) to Call Sun&Moon Ephemeris computation and production (file) for this TP (cf also SF07) (GuitAstro) => 2 fichiers par nuit (1 sun, 1 moon)
Updated by Pallier Etienne almost 2 years ago
- Subject changed from Call Sun&Moon Ephemeris computation and production (file) for this TP (cf also SF07) (GuitAstro) => 2 fichiers par nuit (1 sun, 1 moon) to Call Sun&Moon Ephemeris computation and production (pickle file) for this TP (cf also SF07) (GuitAstro) => 2 fichiers par nuit (1 sun, 1 moon)