Task #47402
Feature #44721: ** (GF4) QUAL - Quality & Tests - High level tests (integration & functional), plan tests, validation des exigences (qualif)
PT & RT (livrables) - PYROS INTEGRATION & HIGH LEVEL TESTS - (Features integration tests with each other & Transversal functionalities tests involving several features) + GUITASTRO low level tests (observatory, tele & inst, building)
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(Total: 0.00 h)
Updated by Pallier Etienne over 3 years ago
- Subject changed from FEATURES integration tests with each other to INTEGRATION TESTS - FEATURES integration tests with each other
Updated by Pallier Etienne over 1 year ago
- Subject changed from INTEGRATION TESTS - FEATURES integration tests with each other to PT - PYROS INTEGRATION & HIGH LEVEL TESTS - (Features integration tests with each other)
Updated by Pallier Etienne over 1 year ago
- Subject changed from PT - PYROS INTEGRATION & HIGH LEVEL TESTS - (Features integration tests with each other) to PT - PYROS INTEGRATION & HIGH LEVEL TESTS - (Features integration tests with each other & Transversal functionalities tests involving several features)
Updated by Pallier Etienne over 1 year ago
- Subject changed from PT - PYROS INTEGRATION & HIGH LEVEL TESTS - (Features integration tests with each other & Transversal functionalities tests involving several features) to PT & RT (livrables) - PYROS INTEGRATION & HIGH LEVEL TESTS - (Features integration tests with each other & Transversal functionalities tests involving several features)
Updated by Pallier Etienne over 1 year ago
- Subject changed from PT & RT (livrables) - PYROS INTEGRATION & HIGH LEVEL TESTS - (Features integration tests with each other & Transversal functionalities tests involving several features) to PT & RT (livrables) - PYROS INTEGRATION & HIGH LEVEL TESTS - (Features integration tests with each other & Transversal functionalities tests involving several features) + GUITASTRO low level tests (observatory, tele & inst, building)
Updated by Pallier Etienne over 1 year ago
- Subject changed from PT & RT (livrables) - PYROS INTEGRATION & HIGH LEVEL TESTS - (Features integration tests with each other & Transversal functionalities tests involving several features) + GUITASTRO low level tests (observatory, tele & inst, building) to PT & RT (livrables) - simu mode - PYROS INTEGRATION & HIGH LEVEL TESTS - (Features integration tests with each other & Transversal functionalities tests involving several features) + GUITASTRO low level tests (observatory, tele & inst, building)
Updated by Pallier Etienne over 1 year ago
- Subject changed from PT & RT (livrables) - simu mode - PYROS INTEGRATION & HIGH LEVEL TESTS - (Features integration tests with each other & Transversal functionalities tests involving several features) + GUITASTRO low level tests (observatory, tele & inst, building) to PT & RT (livrables) - PYROS INTEGRATION & HIGH LEVEL TESTS - (Features integration tests with each other & Transversal functionalities tests involving several features) + GUITASTRO low level tests (observatory, tele & inst, building)