Feature #2118
openPrepare the Command Line Interface of validator to parse rdRam
Now, parsing a rdRam command result
$CROCUS_SCRIPTS_PATH/getCmdRes.x -m $Minor -c $Channel -r/tmp/rdRamCrocusCmdRes${aEqId}.res > /tmp/rdRamCrocusOutput${aEqId}.out
$LC2_INSTALL/bin/crocus_validator -f $LC2_CONFIG/init${aEqId}.dat -c rdRam -k $TMP_CONFIG/rdRam${aEqId}.dat -r /tmp/rdRamCrocusCmdRes${aEqId}.res
fails producing tons of error
Manu::EvaluateOwnErrors: TestRamPedestal ManuID 1134 outside limits: 0 pedestals for 64 memory
as NO pedestals are loaded INTO validator memory…
$LC2_INSTALL/bin/crocus_file_generator -p 4 -c ldPed -k $DAQ_DETDB_LOCAL/MUONTRKPEDda.ped -f $LC2_CONFIG/init${aEqId}.dat -r $TMP_CONFIG/ldPed${aEqId}.dat
The ldPed file should be passed to validator either with -p (pedestal) or -m (memory) option
Updated by Lafage Vincent almost 13 years ago
we now have a much lesser number of error (for instance 148 instead of 678), and of a different type:
Manu::EvaluateOwnErrors: TestRamPedestal ManuID 1243 outside limits: 64 pedestals for 0 memory
but all PatchBus, and all of their Manus are still in error
First problem to tackle with, finding CORRELATED ldPed25xx.dat & rdRam25xx.dat (not the case with the ones under test)
which is the case in /home/lafage/IPN/20100923b but where we miss Crocus command reports…
then it is the case in /home/lafage/IPN/20100617 but we miss the correct init files…
rdRam expected Reference Status Bits could be one of the other problems…
Updated by Lafage Vincent almost 13 years ago
even with correlated files, both type of error stays
Looking in more details, the errors are- No result loaded
- inManuRam: Error in ManuRam
- inStatusFF: full FIFO bit may be at 1
- inStatusZSup: Zero Suppression may be ON (or OFF)
Pursuing more detailled investigation
including crocus_mem_dumper…