!!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Parc has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Print set at : 1 year !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] StockManagement set at : true !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] OutPut will be in "CLASS_Default.root" File and "Data" TTree !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Log will be in CLASS_OUTPUT.log !!!!INFO!!! [DecayDataBank.cxx] A EvolutionData has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [DecayDataBank.cxx] His index is : "../CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/Decay.idx" !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] MLP XS Data Base Information : !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] Heavy Metal (t) :0.045222 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] Thermal Power (W) :1.54833e+06 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] Time (s) : !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 0 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 1.548e+07 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 3.096e+07 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 4.644e+07 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 6.192e+07 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 7.74e+07 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 9.46e+07 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 1.1008e+08 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 1.2556e+08 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 1.4104e+08 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 1.5652e+08 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] Z A I Name (input MLP) : !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 92 235 U5 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 92 238 U8 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 94 238 Pu8 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 94 239 Pu9 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 94 240 Pu10 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 94 241 Pu11 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 94 242 Pu12 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 95 241 Am1 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] Fuel range !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 0.0017 <= 92 235 0 <= 0.00382 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 0.8465 <= 92 238 0 <= 0.9585 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 0.00012 <= 94 238 0 <= 0.01 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 0.0132 <= 94 239 0 <= 0.11 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 0.0055 <= 94 240 0 <= 0.047 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 0.0025 <= 94 241 0 <= 0.027 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 0.0004 <= 94 242 0 <= 0.03 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] 0 <= 95 241 0 <= 0.011 !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] __A cross section interpolator using !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] Multi Layer Perceptron has been define__ !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/XS/XSM_MLP.cxx] His TMVA folder is : " ../CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/PWR/MOX/XSModel/30Wg_FullMOX" !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/Equivalence/EQM_MLP_PWR_MOX.cxx] __An equivalence model of PWR MOX has been define__ !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/Equivalence/EQM_MLP_PWR_MOX.cxx] This model is based on a multi layer perceptron !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/Equivalence/EQM_MLP_PWR_MOX.cxx] The TMVA weight file is : !!!!INFO!!! [../Model/Equivalence/EQM_MLP_PWR_MOX.cxx] ../CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/PWR/MOX/EQModel/EQM_MLP_PWR_MOX_3batch.xml !!!!INFO!!! [Storage.cxx] A new Storage has been define. !!!!INFO!!! [Storage.cxx] A new Storage has been define. !!!!INFO!!! [Pool.cxx] A new Pool has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Pool.cxx] The Cooling Time set at 5 year !!!!INFO!!! [Pool.cxx] A new Pool has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Pool.cxx] The Cooling Time set at 5 year !!!!INFO!!! [FabricationPlant.cxx] A FabricationPlant has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [FabricationPlant.cxx] Chronological Stock Priority has been set! !!!!INFO!!! [FabricationPlant.cxx] Fabrication time set to 2 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1978 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 62 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 2228 MW (with Full Power 2.785e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 72.48 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1978 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 62 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 2228 MW (with Full Power 2.785e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 72.48 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1979 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 61 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 2228 MW (with Full Power 2.785e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 72.48 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1979 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 61 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 2228 MW (with Full Power 2.785e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 72.48 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1977 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 63 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 2228 MW (with Full Power 2.785e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 72.48 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1977 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 63 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 2228 MW (with Full Power 2.785e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 72.48 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1981 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 59 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 2228 MW (with Full Power 2.785e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 72.48 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1982 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 58 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 2228 MW (with Full Power 2.785e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 72.48 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1983 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 57 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 2228 MW (with Full Power 2.785e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 72.48 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1983 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 57 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 2228 MW (with Full Power 2.785e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 72.48 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1980 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 60 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 2228 MW (with Full Power 2.785e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 72.48 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1980 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 60 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 2228 MW (with Full Power 2.785e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 72.48 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1981 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 59 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 2228 MW (with Full Power 2.785e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 72.48 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1981 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 59 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 2228 MW (with Full Power 2.785e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 72.48 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1980 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 11 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1980 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 11 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1980 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 11 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1981 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 10 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1984 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 7 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1985 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 6 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1980 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 11 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1980 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 11 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1981 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 10 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1981 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 10 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1982 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 9 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1983 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 8 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1986 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 5 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1987 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 4 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1983 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 8 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1984 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 7 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1984 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 7 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1984 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 7 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1981 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 10 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1981 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 10 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 1485.33 MW (with Full Power 1.85667e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 48.32 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is not fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 742.667 MW (with Full Power 9.28333e+08 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Burn-Up at end of Cycle set at 35 GWj/t !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The corresponding Cycle Time is 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 24.16 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1987 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 53 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1988 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 52 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1986 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 54 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1987 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 53 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1990 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 50 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1991 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 49 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1990 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 50 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1993 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 47 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1987 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 53 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1988 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 52 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1990 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 50 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1992 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 48 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1985 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 55 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1986 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 54 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1984 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 56 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1984 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 56 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1985 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 55 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1986 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 54 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1985 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 55 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1986 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 54 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3053.6 MW (with Full Power 3.817e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 103.93 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1996 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 44 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3416 MW (with Full Power 4.27e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 110.39 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1997 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 43 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3416 MW (with Full Power 4.27e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 110.39 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1997 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 43 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3416 MW (with Full Power 4.27e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 110.39 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] A Reactor has been define : !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Fuel Composition is fixed ! !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Creation time set at 1999 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] Life time (Operating's Duration) set at 41 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Cycle Time set at 3 year !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Effective Thermal Power is 3416 MW (with Full Power 4.27e+09 and 0.8 capacity factor) !!!!INFO!!! [Reactor.cxx] The Heavy Metal Mass in the Core set at 110.39 tons !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Opening : FrenchPark.root ... !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] ...OK! !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Creating Data Tree ... !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] ...OK! !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 0 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 0 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 0 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 0 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 1 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 1 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 1 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 1 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 2 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 2 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 2 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 2 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 3 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [DecayDataBank.cxx:Evolution] Oups... Can't Find the ZAI : 1 1 0!!! It will be considered as stable !! !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/2H_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/3H_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/3He_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/4He_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/6Li_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/7Li_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/9Be_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/10Be_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/10B_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/11B_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/12C_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/13C_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/14C_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/14N_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/15N_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/16O_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/17O_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/18O_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/21Ne_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/53Cr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/54Cr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/54Mn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/55Mn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/56Mn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/55Fe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/56Fe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/57Fe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/58Fe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/59Fe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/60Fe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/58Co_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/59Co_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/60Co_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/61Co_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/59Ni_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/60Ni_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/61Ni_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/62Ni_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/63Ni_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/64Ni_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/65Ni_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/66Ni_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/63Cu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/64Cu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/65Cu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/67Cu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/64Zn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/66Zn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/67Zn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/68Zn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/69Zn_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/70Zn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/71Zn_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/72Zn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/69Ga_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/71Ga_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/72Ga_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/73Ga_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/69Ge_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/70Ge_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/71Ge_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/72Ge_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/73Ge_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/74Ge_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/75Ge_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/76Ge_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/77Ge_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/78Ge_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/72As_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/73As_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/74As_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/75As_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/76As_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/77As_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/78As_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/74Se_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/75Se_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/76Se_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/77Se_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/78Se_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/79Se_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/80Se_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/82Se_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/77Br_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/79Br_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/80Br_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/81Br_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/82Br_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/83Br_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/78Kr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/79Kr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/80Kr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/81Kr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/82Kr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/83Kr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/83Kr_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/84Kr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/85Kr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/85Kr_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/86Kr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/87Kr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/88Kr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/82Rb_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/83Rb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/84Rb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/85Rb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/86Rb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/87Rb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/84Sr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/85Sr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/85Sr_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/86Sr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/87Sr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/87Sr_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/88Sr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/89Sr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/90Sr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/91Sr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/92Sr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/86Y_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/87Y_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/87Y_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/88Y_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/89Y_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/90Y_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/90Y_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/91Y_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/92Y_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/93Y_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/89Zr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/90Zr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/91Zr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/92Zr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/93Zr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/94Zr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/95Zr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/96Zr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/97Zr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/91Nb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/91Nb_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/92Nb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/92Nb_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/93Nb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/93Nb_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/94Nb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/95Nb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/95Nb_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/96Nb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/97Nb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/92Mo_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/93Mo_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/94Mo_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/95Mo_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/96Mo_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/97Mo_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/98Mo_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/99Mo_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/100Mo_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/96Tc_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/97Tc_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/97Tc_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/98Tc_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/99Tc_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/99Tc_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/98Ru_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/99Ru_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/100Ru_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/101Ru_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/102Ru_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/103Ru_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/104Ru_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/105Ru_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/106Ru_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/101Rh_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/101Rh_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/102Rh_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/102Rh_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/103Rh_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/105Rh_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/106Rh_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/102Pd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/103Pd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/104Pd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/105Pd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/106Pd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/107Pd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/108Pd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/109Pd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/110Pd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/111Pd_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/112Pd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/106Ag_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/107Ag_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/108Ag_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/109Ag_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/110Ag_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/111Ag_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/112Ag_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/113Ag_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/106Cd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/107Cd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/108Cd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/109Cd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/110Cd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/111Cd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/112Cd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/113Cd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/113Cd_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/114Cd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/115Cd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/115Cd_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/116Cd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/117Cd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/117Cd_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/111In_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/113In_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/113In_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/114In_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/115In_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/115In_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/117In_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/112Sn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/113Sn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/114Sn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/115Sn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/116Sn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/117Sn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/117Sn_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/118Sn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/119Sn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/119Sn_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/120Sn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/121Sn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/121Sn_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/122Sn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/123Sn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/124Sn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/125Sn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/126Sn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/127Sn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/119Sb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/120Sb_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/121Sb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/122Sb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/123Sb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/124Sb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/125Sb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/126Sb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/127Sb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/128Sb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/129Sb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/121Te_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/121Te_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/122Te_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/123Te_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/123Te_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/124Te_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/125Te_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/125Te_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/126Te_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/127Te_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/127Te_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/128Te_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/129Te_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/129Te_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/130Te_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/131Te_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/132Te_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/123I_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/124I_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/125I_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/126I_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/127I_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/129I_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/130I_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/131I_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/132I_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/132I_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/133I_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/135I_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/124Xe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/125Xe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/126Xe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/127Xe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/128Xe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/129Xe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/129Xe_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/130Xe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/131Xe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/131Xe_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/132Xe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/133Xe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/133Xe_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/134Xe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/135Xe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/136Xe_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/129Cs_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/131Cs_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/132Cs_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/133Cs_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/134Cs_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/134Cs_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/135Cs_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/136Cs_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/137Cs_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/130Ba_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/131Ba_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/132Ba_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/133Ba_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/133Ba_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/134Ba_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/135Ba_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/135Ba_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/136Ba_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/137Ba_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/138Ba_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/139Ba_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/140Ba_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/135La_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/137La_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/138La_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/139La_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/140La_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/141La_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/142La_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/136Ce_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/137Ce_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/137Ce_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/138Ce_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/139Ce_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/140Ce_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/141Ce_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/142Ce_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/143Ce_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/144Ce_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/139Pr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/141Pr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/142Pr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/143Pr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/145Pr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/142Nd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/143Nd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/144Nd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/145Nd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/146Nd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/147Nd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/148Nd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/149Nd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/150Nd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/144Pm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/145Pm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/146Pm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/147Pm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/148Pm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/148Pm_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/149Pm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/150Pm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/151Pm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/146Sm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/147Sm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/148Sm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/149Sm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/150Sm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/151Sm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/152Sm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/153Sm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/154Sm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/156Sm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/149Eu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/150Eu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/150Eu_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/151Eu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/152Eu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/152Eu_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/152Eu_m2.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/153Eu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/154Eu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/155Eu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/156Eu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/157Eu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/150Gd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/151Gd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/152Gd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/153Gd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/154Gd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/155Gd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/156Gd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/157Gd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/158Gd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/159Gd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/160Gd_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/154Tb_m2.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/155Tb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/156Tb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/156Tb_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/156Tb_m2.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/157Tb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/158Tb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/159Tb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/160Tb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/161Tb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/157Dy_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/158Dy_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/159Dy_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/160Dy_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/161Dy_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/162Dy_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/163Dy_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/164Dy_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/165Dy_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/166Dy_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/161Ho_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/162Ho_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/163Ho_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/165Ho_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/166Ho_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/166Ho_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/167Ho_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/162Er_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/163Er_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/164Er_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/165Er_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/166Er_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/167Er_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/168Er_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/169Er_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/170Er_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/171Er_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/172Er_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/166Tm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/167Tm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/168Tm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/169Tm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/170Tm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/171Tm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/172Tm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/173Tm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/168Yb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/169Yb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/170Yb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/171Yb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/172Yb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/173Yb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/174Yb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/175Yb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/176Yb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/177Yb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/178Yb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/173Lu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/174Lu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/174Lu_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/175Lu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/176Lu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/176Lu_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/177Lu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/177Lu_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/179Lu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/175Hf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/176Hf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/177Hf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/178Hf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/179Hf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/179Hf_m2.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/180Hf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/180Hf_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/181Hf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/182Hf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/182Hf_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/183Hf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/184Hf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/179Ta_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/180Ta_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/180Ta_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/181Ta_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/182Ta_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/183Ta_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/184Ta_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/180W_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/181W_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/182W_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/183W_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/184W_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/185W_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/186W_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/187W_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/183Re_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/184Re_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/185Re_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/186Re_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/187Re_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/188Re_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/186Os_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/188Os_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/204Hg_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/205Tl_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/204Pb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/205Pb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/206Pb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/207Pb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/208Pb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/209Pb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/210Pb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/212Pb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/207Bi_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/208Bi_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/209Bi_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/210Bi_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/212Bi_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/210Po_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/222Rn_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/223Ra_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/224Ra_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/225Ra_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/226Ra_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/228Ra_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/224Ac_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/225Ac_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/226Ac_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/227Ac_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/228Ac_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/227Th_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/228Th_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/229Th_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/229Th_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/230Th_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/231Th_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/232Th_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/234Th_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/229Pa_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/230Pa_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/231Pa_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/232Pa_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/233Pa_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/234Pa_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/230U_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/231U_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/232U_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/233U_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/234U_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/235U_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/236U_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/237U_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/238U_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/240U_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/234Np_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/235Np_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/236Np_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/236Np_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/237Np_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/238Np_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/239Np_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/240Np_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/234Pu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/236Pu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/237Pu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/238Pu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/239Pu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/240Pu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/241Pu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/242Pu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/243Pu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/244Pu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/245Pu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/246Pu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/247Pu_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/239Am_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/240Am_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/241Am_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/242Am_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/242Am_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/243Am_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/244Am_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/245Am_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/239Cm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/240Cm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/241Cm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/242Cm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/243Cm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/244Cm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/245Cm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/246Cm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/247Cm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/248Cm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/249Cm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/250Cm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/246Bk_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/247Bk_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/248Bk_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/249Bk_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/250Bk_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/247Cf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/248Cf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/249Cf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/250Cf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/251Cf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/252Cf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/253Cf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/254Cf_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/252Es_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/253Es_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/254Es_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/255Es_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/255Fm_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/256Fm_gs.info" !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 3 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/154Tb_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/154Tb_m.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/154Dy_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/187Os_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/254Fm_gs.info" !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 3 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 3 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 4 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 4 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 4 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 4 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 5 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 5 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 5 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 5 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 6 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 6 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 6 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 6 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 7 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 7 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 7 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 7 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 8 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 8 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 8 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 8 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 9 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 9 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 9 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 9 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 10 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 10 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 10 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 10 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 11 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 11 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 11 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 11 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [EquivalenceModel.cxx:BuildFuel] Not enought fissile material to build fuel !!WARNING!! [EquivalenceModel.cxx:BuildFuel] Not enought fissile material to build fuel !!WARNING!! [EquivalenceModel.cxx:BuildFuel] Not enought fissile material to build fuel !!WARNING!! [EquivalenceModel.cxx:BuildFuel] Not enought fissile material to build fuel !!WARNING!! [EquivalenceModel.cxx:BuildFuel] Not enought fissile material to build fuel !!WARNING!! [EquivalenceModel.cxx:BuildFuel] Not enought fissile material to build fuel !!WARNING!! [EquivalenceModel.cxx:BuildFuel] Not enought fissile material to build fuel !!WARNING!! [EquivalenceModel.cxx:BuildFuel] Not enought fissile material to build fuel !!WARNING!! [EquivalenceModel.cxx:BuildFuel] Not enought fissile material to build fuel !!WARNING!! [EquivalenceModel.cxx:BuildFuel] Not enought fissile material to build fuel !!WARNING!! [EquivalenceModel.cxx:BuildFuel] Not enought fissile material to build fuel !!WARNING!! [EquivalenceModel.cxx:BuildFuel] Not enought fissile material to build fuel !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 12 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 12 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 12 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 12 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 13 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 13 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 13 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 13 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 14 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years :Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx!EvolutiG!] Reactor.cxx:Evolutionhould be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... years !!W] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power...working Time : 1991 yearser... !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 14 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx[Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... years !!W] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a z Time : 1991 yearsg Tim !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution!!WARNING!! ho Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : cxx:Reactor Evolution] Rea yearshould be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... yearser.. Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !! Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 14 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1991 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 14 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx[Reactor.cxx Reactor sh:uEvolutionking but ] ve Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years] Rea !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 15 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [EquivalenceModel.cxx:BuildFuel] Not enought fissile material to build fuel !!WARNING!! [EquivalenceModel.cxx:BuildFuel] Not enought fissile material to build fuel !!WARNING!! [EquivalenceModel.cxx:BuildFuel] Not enought fissile material to build fuel !!WARNING!! [EquivalenceModel.cxx:BuildFuel] Not enought fissile material to build fuel !!WARNING!! [EquivalenceModel.cxx:BuildFuel] Not enought fissile material to build fuel !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 15 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 15 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1992 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 15 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 16 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 16 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 16 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1993 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 16 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 17 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [DecayDataBank.cxx:Evolution] Oups... Can't Find the ZAI : -3 -3 -3!!! It will be considered as stable !! !!WARNING!! [DecayDataBank.cxx:Evolution] Oups... Can't Find the ZAI : -2 -2 -2!!! It will be considered as stable !! !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 17 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 17 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1994 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 17 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 18 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 18 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 18 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1995 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 18 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 19 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 19 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 19 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 19 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1996 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1997 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1997 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1997 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1997 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1997 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 20 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1997 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1997 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1997 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1997 years !!WARNING!! [Reactor.cxx:Evolution] Reactor should be working but have no Heavy Nucleus Inside. It's not working so have a zero power... Time : 1997 years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 20 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 20 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 20 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 21 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 21 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] Fresh fuel out of model range !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] AT LEAST this ZAI is accused to be outrange : !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] 92 238 0 !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] min=0.8465 value=0.967812 max=0.9585 !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] IV accused : !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] ************************** *Isotopic Vector Property* ************************** *Isotopic Vector Quantity* 2 4 0 : 3.38454e-06 82 206 0 : 2.14907e-16 82 207 0 : 3.46637e-18 82 208 0 : 2.4247e-19 82 209 0 : 3.37078e-27 82 210 0 : 3.68692e-21 82 212 0 : 2.54199e-29 83 209 0 : 1.62843e-19 83 210 0 : 2.18418e-24 83 212 0 : 2.40785e-30 84 210 0 : 2.69533e-23 86 222 0 : 1.11091e-22 88 223 0 : 1.26828e-19 88 224 0 : 2.08047e-28 88 225 0 : 3.85771e-25 88 226 0 : 1.73544e-17 88 228 0 : 7.62791e-25 89 225 0 : 2.42417e-25 89 227 0 : 9.92725e-17 89 228 0 : 9.29203e-29 90 227 0 : 2.14263e-19 90 228 0 : 4.12014e-26 90 229 0 : 7.75449e-20 90 230 0 : 2.78745e-12 90 231 0 : 1.00392e-14 90 232 0 : 2.42801e-14 90 234 0 : 1.42866e-11 91 231 0 : 4.76902e-12 91 233 0 : 5.89295e-15 91 234 0 : 2.51303e-16 92 233 0 : 3.61899e-14 92 234 0 : 9.78411e-07 92 235 0 : 0.002427 92 236 0 : 8.14293e-07 92 237 0 : 3.54812e-11 92 238 0 : 0.967812 93 237 0 : 1.89167e-07 94 238 0 : 6.13944e-05 94 239 0 : 0.0243821 94 240 0 : 0.00385463 94 241 0 : 0.001127 94 242 0 : 0.000216777 95 241 0 : 0.00011366 *Isotopic Vector Quantity Needed* !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] Fresh fuel out of model range !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] AT LEAST this ZAI is accused to be outrange : !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] 92 238 0 !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] min=0.8465 value=0.962459 max=0.9585 !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] IV accused : !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] ************************** *Isotopic Vector Property* ************************** *Isotopic Vector Quantity* 2 4 0 : 5.85103e-06 82 206 0 : 2.13735e-16 82 207 0 : 3.53714e-18 82 208 0 : 3.82674e-19 82 209 0 : 6.70737e-27 82 210 0 : 1.02025e-20 82 212 0 : 4.01184e-29 83 209 0 : 3.24032e-19 83 210 0 : 6.04333e-24 83 212 0 : 3.80014e-30 84 210 0 : 7.45963e-23 86 222 0 : 3.07404e-22 88 223 0 : 1.26128e-19 88 224 0 : 3.28346e-28 88 225 0 : 7.67623e-25 88 226 0 : 4.80219e-17 88 228 0 : 1.20386e-24 89 225 0 : 4.82371e-25 89 227 0 : 9.87246e-17 89 228 0 : 1.4665e-28 90 227 0 : 2.1308e-19 90 228 0 : 6.50252e-26 90 229 0 : 1.54302e-19 90 230 0 : 7.7132e-12 90 231 0 : 9.98404e-15 90 232 0 : 3.83196e-14 90 234 0 : 1.42075e-11 91 231 0 : 4.74273e-12 91 233 0 : 1.1726e-14 91 234 0 : 2.49913e-16 92 233 0 : 7.20123e-14 92 234 0 : 2.70735e-06 92 235 0 : 0.00241366 92 236 0 : 1.28514e-06 92 237 0 : 7.06021e-11 92 238 0 : 0.962459 93 237 0 : 3.76413e-07 94 238 0 : 0.000169916 94 239 0 : 0.0257346 94 240 0 : 0.00608349 94 241 0 : 0.00224255 94 242 0 : 0.000660086 95 241 0 : 0.000226166 *Isotopic Vector Quantity Needed* !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] Fresh fuel out of model range !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] AT LEAST this ZAI is accused to be outrange : !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] 92 238 0 !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] min=0.8465 value=0.960482 max=0.9585 !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] IV accused : !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] ************************** *Isotopic Vector Property* ************************** *Isotopic Vector Quantity* 2 4 0 : 7.94888e-06 82 206 0 : 2.13313e-16 82 207 0 : 3.56655e-18 82 208 0 : 4.20796e-19 82 209 0 : 7.44835e-27 82 210 0 : 1.73433e-20 82 212 0 : 4.4115e-29 83 209 0 : 3.59825e-19 83 210 0 : 1.02727e-23 83 212 0 : 4.17871e-30 84 210 0 : 1.2681e-22 86 222 0 : 5.22552e-22 88 223 0 : 1.2587e-19 88 224 0 : 3.61056e-28 88 225 0 : 8.52414e-25 88 226 0 : 8.16318e-17 88 228 0 : 1.32379e-24 89 225 0 : 5.35654e-25 89 227 0 : 9.85223e-17 89 228 0 : 1.61259e-28 90 227 0 : 2.12643e-19 90 228 0 : 7.15031e-26 90 229 0 : 1.71346e-19 90 230 0 : 1.31115e-11 90 231 0 : 9.96367e-15 90 232 0 : 4.2137e-14 90 234 0 : 1.41784e-11 91 231 0 : 4.73302e-12 91 233 0 : 1.30213e-14 91 234 0 : 2.494e-16 92 233 0 : 7.99667e-14 92 234 0 : 4.60217e-06 92 235 0 : 0.00240874 92 236 0 : 1.41317e-06 92 237 0 : 7.84007e-11 92 238 0 : 0.960482 93 237 0 : 4.17992e-07 94 238 0 : 0.000288849 94 239 0 : 0.0262882 94 240 0 : 0.00668953 94 241 0 : 0.00249026 94 242 0 : 0.00108664 95 241 0 : 0.000251148 *Isotopic Vector Quantity Needed* !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] Fresh fuel out of model range !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] AT LEAST this ZAI is accused to be outrange : !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] 92 238 0 !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] min=0.8465 value=0.960578 max=0.9585 !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] IV accused : !!WARNING!! [XSModel.cxx:isIVInDomain] ************************** *Isotopic Vector Property* ************************** *Isotopic Vector Quantity* 2 4 0 : 7.26751e-06 82 206 0 : 2.13328e-16 82 207 0 : 3.55922e-18 82 208 0 : 4.28533e-19 82 209 0 : 7.73603e-27 82 210 0 : 1.46459e-20 82 212 0 : 4.49261e-29 83 209 0 : 3.73724e-19 83 210 0 : 8.67507e-24 83 212 0 : 4.25554e-30 84 210 0 : 1.07086e-22 86 222 0 : 4.4128e-22 88 223 0 : 1.25882e-19 88 224 0 : 3.67694e-28 88 225 0 : 8.85343e-25 88 226 0 : 6.89357e-17 88 228 0 : 1.34813e-24 89 225 0 : 5.56346e-25 89 227 0 : 9.8532e-17 89 228 0 : 1.64224e-28 90 227 0 : 2.12664e-19 90 228 0 : 7.28178e-26 90 229 0 : 1.77965e-19 90 230 0 : 1.10723e-11 90 231 0 : 9.96464e-15 90 232 0 : 4.29118e-14 90 234 0 : 1.41798e-11 91 231 0 : 4.73349e-12 91 233 0 : 1.35243e-14 91 234 0 : 2.49425e-16 92 233 0 : 8.30558e-14 92 234 0 : 3.88641e-06 92 235 0 : 0.00240897 92 236 0 : 1.43915e-06 92 237 0 : 8.14293e-11 92 238 0 : 0.960578 93 237 0 : 4.34138e-07 94 238 0 : 0.000243922 94 239 0 : 0.0261637 94 240 0 : 0.00681253 94 241 0 : 0.00258646 94 242 0 : 0.000932387 95 241 0 : 0.00026085 *Isotopic Vector Quantity Needed* !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 21 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 21 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 22 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 22 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 22 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 22 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/52Cr_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/57Co_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/188W_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/189Os_gs.info" !!WARNING!! [EvolutionData.cxx:ReadInfo] !!ERROR!! !!!EvolutionData!!! Can't open "/projet/pacsmure/zakari/CLASS_V4/DATA_BASES/DECAY/ALL/DecayBase/203Tl_gs.info" !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 23 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 23 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 23 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 23 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 24 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 24 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 24 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 24 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 25 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 25 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 25 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 25 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 26 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 26 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 26 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 26 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 27 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 27 / 63 Years !!!!INFO!!! [Scenario.cxx] Proccessed 27 / 63 Years !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 91 232 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 94 243 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 242 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 95 244 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 96 249 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 97 250 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetNuclearProcessMatrix] Can't have nuclear process on this nucleus, ZAI 100 255 0 : its halflife seems to be below the threshold! !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:GetCaptureXsMatrix] Can't have capture reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 91 232 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 94 243 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 242 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 95 244 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 96 249 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 97 250 0 !!WARNING!! [IrradiationModel.cxx:Getn2nXsMatrix] Can't have n,2n reaction on this nuclei, ZAI : 100 255 0